Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Radarsat were: mean, contrast, local homogeneity, mean of sum A) 
vector and variance of difference vector. Figure 4 shows D2 VTT à Xm. ur 
values for selected texture measurements for nine paired cover m à most m : ego) Ogg 
classes. When the interest are only de discrimination between p eL s CEP nno ecP iu en 
RD or PA and other classes we notice that, for JERS-1, entropy [U^ aplorg Do Ass re 
and mean of sum vector were better measurements on 4 out of ES 853 5 J m AE cc 5 AN | 
9 paired cover class. For Radarsat mean, contrast and variance A) 1j ZA y Bags d mou | 
of difference vector were better on 4, 2 and 2, respectively, out Rp MER TR prie” f Rs 
of 9 paired cover class. Figure 5 show two best texture images í ^s y te B em or $n” Jo 
for JERS-1 and Radarsat data, used for recent deforestation and JpSpasidis.’y, , ues Mu 2 7; 
pasture discrimination. ps pos 27, Bubig Life V. P csl 
a bate t , Gm des vs 3 
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compared with Radarsat data. We also noticed that while JERS- A ry | T4 ride pn” 
1 was better for discriminate RD, Radarsat was poor, showing 
smaller D2 values for this class when compared with other 
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394 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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