Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

are based on data acquired during 1994 and 1995. The 
values of the OLS data for this data set, designated as 
OLS-pct, were computed as the ratio of the number of 
scenes in which light was observed at a given pixel to the 
number of cloud free scenes for that pixel (Elvidge et al., 
1997). : 
The second DMSP-OLS data product was based on 
digitally calibrated (to units of Watts/cm?/sr/um) OLS data 
acquired over a portion of North America from 16-23 
March 1996.. The OLS calibrated product, designated 
"OLS-cal' and OLS-pct data were remapped from the 
Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection to the LAEA 
projection of the AVHRR data. 
Landsat MSS LULC Classified Data 
For purposes of validation of the above parameters, it is 
necessary to have an objective characterization of 
urbanized area in order to facilitate spatial correlation. 
Landsat MSS images, prepared for a North American 
Landscape Characterization project (USGS, 1997) were 
obtained for the DFW region. The MSS data were also 
remapped, from a UTM projection to the LAEA 
projection of the AVHRR data. Additionally, the MSS 
data were resampled to a resolution of 50 m? to precisely 
fall within the larger 1 km? grid cell resolution of the 
AVHRR and DMSP-OLS data (i.e., 400 MSS 50 m! grid 
cells per 1 km" AVHRR or DMSP-OLS grid cell). While 
the MSS scene included most of the Dallas-Ft. Worth 
metropolitan region, only two of the climate stations were 
located within the borders of the MSS scene. 
The classification scheme of Anderson et al. (1976) was 
applied to a Landsat MSS image of the Dallas-Ft. Worth 
region for a MSS scene acquired on 8 October 1992. The 
resultant classes derived included agricultural, urban, 
water, forested, rangeland, and bare soil, as well as an 
unclassified class. 
The procedure for image classification began by first 
inputting four channels of the resampled Landsat MSS 
data (0.5-0.6; 0.6-0.7; 0.7-0.8; and 0.8-1.1 um) into an 
unsupervised classification procedure. Twenty-four 
spectrally separate clusters were subsequently output with 
accompanying covariance matrices. Heterogeneous 
clusters with large off-diagonal covariance values were 
merged into the unclassified class. The other clusters 
were merged into the six Anderson Level I classes using 
ground truthing guidance from the USGS 200 meter 
Anderson Level II data set (USGS, 1990). 
Using the Anderson classified Landsat MSS data, subpixel 
percentages of each class were aggregated to the same 1 
km? grid used in deriving AVHRR and DMSP-OLS 
parameters. The aggregation for each 1 km? grid cell was 
determined as: 
Class percentage — 100 (Number of MSS 50 m! class 
pixels / 400) . 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
Classes were defined as predominant within a 1 km? grid 
cell when they were at least 5094 present in the grid cell. 
A 110 km transect that intersected the DFW region was 
examined in greater detail (Figure 1). The transect is 3 km in 
width and lies west to east through the DFW region. The 
transect passes through Fort Worth approximately between 
the 30 to 50 km interval on the transect, and Dallas between 
the 60 to 100 km interval. The dips in the NDVI data at 72 
km and again between 101 and 103 km along the transect are 
associated with a river and reservoir, respectively. The dip in 
the OLS data at the 80 to 89 km interval on the transect is 
associated with a city park. Generally the NDVI values are 
lower within the portion of the transect (20 to 90 km) that is 
indicated as urban within the OLS classified MSS data. The 
urban and rural relationships between the NDVI and DMSP 
data suggest that the urban-rural differences in DMSP data 
may provide a valuable tool for the assessment of the urban 
heat-island effect. 
It is noteworthy that, compared to the NDVI values in 
Figure 1, the OLS values seem to better describe 
neighborhood-scale details that are verifiable with the high 
resolution classified Landsat MSS data. In an analysis of 
the transect (Figure 1) data, the OLS-cal values were 
associated with 10% more (28%) of the variation in the 
percentage urban values (derived from the classified MSS 
data) than the NDVI values (18%). Thus, at the 1 km? 
resolution at which AVHRR and DMSP-OLS data can 
readily be obtained, the results suggest that the OLS data 
better characterize the location of urban related features 
in well-lit cities and metropolitan areas. 
The ratio of Tsfc to NDVI (derived from the AVHRR 
data), displayed as a function of NDVI are displayed in 
Figure 2. NDVI values associated with climatological 
stations in urban environments typically are lower when 
compared to the values associated with rural stations. Tsfc 
values usually display the opposite trend such that the 
values associated with stations in urban environments are 
greater compared to those of rural stations. Stations that 
have large values of the ratio of Tsfc to NDVI (large 
values of Tsfc and small values of NDVI) would be 
expected to be located in urban environments. 
The AVHRR-derived Tsfc and NDVI data available for 
all seven stations were used to assess the association of 
the stations with the predominant Landsat-MSS derived 
classes within the study area. The ratio of Tsfc to NDVI 
for the seven climatological stations was compared to the 
values obtained for those grid cells associated with 
precominantly urban, agricultural and forested cells within 
the MSS scene. The ratio of Tsfc to NDVI for station 285 
is similar to that associated with the grid cells classified as 
overwhelmingly urban (> 80% urban), while stations 280 
and 282 display Tsfc/NDVI values similar to the 
predominantly forested/agricultural classes (> 50% 
forested or agricultural). Stations 279, 281, 283, and 284 

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