Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

per lha 
due to 
due to 
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due to 
2.3 Prediction of Population 
The population is obtained from equation (1) by using the 
number of births!" and the numbers of the deaths *!. 
POP(t)=POP(t-dt)+BIRTH(t)-DEATH(t) - - - - (1) 
2.4 Prediction of the Amount of CO2 Exhaust 
The focus of this researchis the CO2 exhaust due to energy 
consumption, food consumption and wood consumption. 
(1) Prediction of the Amount of CO2 Exhaust 
Due to Energy Consumption 
The targeted source of energy is oil, coal and natural gas. 
When these fossil fuels are used, the CO2 exhaust is 
assumed to be the amount of the CO2 exhaust due to energy 
Consumpton Proportion of Fossil 
by Region Fuel consumption 
Fossil Consumption CO? Emission 
by Fuel Type Coefficient 
CO2 Emission 
Fig.2. Method of predicting the amount of CO2 exhaust 
. due to energy consumption 
1) Amount of Energy Consumption 
The amount of energy consumption is obtained from the 
population and the amount of energy consumption per 
E, CNS(0ZPOP(0 X E. CNS, CAP(0) "o. 702) 
2) Amount of CO2 Exhaust Due to Energy 
The different amount of the CO2 exhaust for each source of 
energy is obtained by taking the ratio of the consumption 
of each source of energy to the total amount of energy 
consumption and using different CO2 exhaust 
coefficient"! for each source of energy. 
E CO2()- a COAL CNS(t) 
+ 8 OIL_CNS(t)+ y GAS_CNS(t) - - -() 
(2) Prediction of the Amount of CO2 Exhaust 
Due to Food Consumption 
At times when the amount of food consumption exceeds 
the present amount of food production, in other words, 
when the amount of food becomes insufficient, the forest 
where cultivationis possible is deforestedto cleara plot of 
land for farming. In doing so, the amount of food 
production is increased and foodinsufficiency is 
supplemented In this case, the amount of CO2 exhaust 
due to deforestation can be thought of as the amount of 
CO2 exhaust due to food consumption or consumption of 
primary produces. 
Production by 
Production by Region Consumption per 
Regiontthis year) Productiontlast vear) Capital 
- Production per Area 
Expansion of 
Cultivated Land 
eloréstation : 
‘| NPP per Area 
| CO, Emission | 
Fig.3. Method of predicung the amount of CO2 exhaust 
due to food consumption 
1) Amount of Food Consumption 
The amount of food consumption is obtained from the 
population and the amount of food consumption per capita. 
PENS()=POP(Yy>F CNS CAPD + wold) 
2) Amount of Food Production 
The method of predicting the present amount of food 
production uses the method which is proposed by Gotol?l. 
The subjects areamount of 4 types of meat production and 
the amount of the main 12 grains. Man does not consume 
all the grains produced in various places as food; livestock 
consume some percentage of these grains. In turn, meats 
are obtained from these livestock. The current amount of 
food production is obtained from the amount of grain 
production and the amount of meat production. Moreover, 
the present amount of food productionis obtained from the 
amount of food produced from 1ha of cultivated land. 
3) Amount of Potential Food Production 
First of all, it is necessary to obtain the area of the region 
where cultivation is possible to obtain the amount of the 
potential food production. Using Cramer's method", the 
possible area of the land than can be cultivated is obtained. 
Cramer points at the region, in which the following three 
conditions applies, as a suitable region where land 
cultivation is possible. 
1) Region of 2,000°C or more in total temperature for a 
period it takes for plants to grow. 
ii) The ratio of the soil moisture actually used in 
evapotranspiration and the needed moisture of the regionis 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 417 

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