Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

of information was offered. On the contrary, at 
the beaches where a few information was 
offered the volunteer can't know that beach 
necessity to retrieve oil slick, as the result, only 
the domestic people forced to retrieved oil slicks 
2) Confusion of information offer by many 
organization not being unified I): 
Seashore region is managed by Maritime Safety 
Agency, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of 
Transportation, Ministry of Agriculture, 
Forestry and Fisheries, and the Environment 
Agency respectively and divided into each 
area to be managed. And the section in the local 
governments correspond to the direction by the 
government above-mentioned in there own 
jurisdiction. As the result the jurisdiction of 
managements of nearshore region were different 
according to the beach where oil slicks were 
arrived and sometimes pressed each other. 
Because the right twine with complexity, to the 
problem solving in the nearshore region crossed 
correspondence was requested. But there were 
no way to unify the informations from such 
3) Confusion by necessity of various 
professional knowledge for retrieving oil-spill: 
There are not any specialist and database on oil- 
spill restoration on the Nakhodka oil-spill 
incident. So, 
for retrieving the oil on shore, we needed the 
various professional knowledge, such as on 
chemical science, environmental economics, 
low and environmental information etc.. For this 
object we used the Mailing-list 
(oil@seiryo.ac.jp) as the bulletin board to unify 
the suggestion and information to do our work 
concurrently. Moreover because this system 1s 
character base, it is difficult for us to work 
concurrently especially on the case which some 
photograph and figure ware necessary. 
Offering the information via internet was paid 
attention on Hanshin Awaji great earthquake 
(1995) and O-157 disaster(1996) in Japan. In the 
Nakhodka oil-spill disaster many home pages 
and Mailing-lists stood up in various places 
simultaneously. However, we can do nothing 
but rely on character information in Mailing-list, 
and can do nothing but draw the situation of 
oil-spill distribution in the head of the person 
who saw it was a current state until the oil-spill 
distribution map was offered by someone. As a 
result some delays were caused to offer the 
image information to the home page. Therefore, 
then information such as the oil-slick 
distribution status greatly depends inevitably on 
each one's ability, and they ware transmitted as 
various information. 
Concerning the confusion mentioned above, we 
need the 
system for unifying, managing and holding 
various in common. Web-GIS can satisfied 
these necessity. | 
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Fig.1 The region where oil-slick arrived in the 
Nakhodka oil-spill, Jan.,1997. 
(Bold line shows the region where oil-slick 
3.1 Necessity of information bulletin board 
The information bulletin board system(BBS) on 
the internet is effective to send information 
promptly, and accurately. These system was 
made when the Nakhodka oil-spill disaster was 
occurred for trial purposes. It is shown in Fig.2. 
Mainly character based information including 
image based on the photograph and the home 
page from volunteer ware put on BBS and on 
Web-GIS one by one by the hand work 
respectively. The lessons from these series of 
work is summarized as follows. 
1) Character based information from all over 
Japan was updated automatically — in 
BBS.Because this information was based on the 
order of arrival time, it is difficult to recognize 
from where this information come from and 
what information this information deals with in 
a moment. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
d eem. 

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