Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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weathered and absorbed amounts and the oil age. The oil 
slick at time t is defined by the volume distribution mapped 
onto a Cartesian grid of points for all parcels. The oil volume 
in the cells of the grid are found by summing the particles for 
all parcels. Thus, the dependent variable field of the oil spill 
model is a volume distribution denoted by -V(x;,t), with 
associated attributes. 
Satellite image data are assimilated into the model as a 
redundant boundary condition at the sea surface. The 
following parameters and their data sources are presently 
used in the model: 
Sensor Parameter Dependent Variable 
AVHRR SST T(x; t) 
SeaSonde surface current ui(x; 0, i=1,2 
HF radar ; 
SAR surface slicks V(x; t) 
Surface Layer Temperature 
The ascending NOAA-14 AVHRR "quicklook" reference 
images are screened daily for cloud-free conditions exceeding 
about 40% of the model domain and, for those images 
meeting this criterion, the level 1b data file is downloaded to 
a workstation via a DirecPC satellite data link. These image 
data are then navigated and processed to a set of single-band 
radiance image files mapped onto a georeferenced conic 
projection. A cloud mask is generated for the image by 
flagging all pixels which meet either low-temperature or high- 
brightness criteria, and a land mask is created by binarizing 
the optical-NIR (near-infrared) difference image at a suitable 
threshold level. The navigated radiance images are used to 
compute sea-surface temperature fields starting with the 
McLain et al. (1985) MCSST algorithm, incorporating 
Kidwell's (1995) correction for the satellite zenith angle, with 
NOAA's standard coefficients. — The MCSST algorithm 
provides an estimate of the skin temperature of the ocean; the 
bulk temperature for the upper layer of the model is 
calculated using the regression equation: 
Tbulk = 0.816 MCSST + 2.419 °C ©) 
based on 175 observations from ocean buoys in the model 
These fields have a resolution of approximately 1.1 km and 
are generally spatially intermittent. They are resampled to 
the model grid (5 km on the shelf and 1 km in the strait) and 
filtered to remove unrealistic values close to land and cloud 
edges. The resampled field provides the calibrated T(x; t) for 
assimilation. A computationally efficient nudging scheme 
(Ghil and Malanotte-Rizzole, 1991) is used to assimilate the 
surface layer field. This nudging scheme is based on a 
Gaussian weighting function raised to a power, centered at 
the image time with a period of +3 h. The function has a 
value of 1 at the image time, resulting in replacement of the 
modelled value with the image value. When the power 
applied to the function is increased, the time over which the 
image data modifies the modelled field is reduced; a power of 
5 was found to give reasonable results over the continental 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
Surface Current 
The SeaSonde is a compact ground wave radar system for 
mapping surface currents based on a frequency-modulated, 
continuous-wave (FMCW) signal format (Hodgins, 1995). 
Transmit frequencies of 12.5 and 25 MHz are typically used 
in coastal applications. At 12.5 MHz, the SeaSonde has a 
range resolution of 2.556 km over 31 range cells, giving a 
theoretical range of 79.2 km. The system utilizes two or 
more radar sites each separated by 25 to 35 km along the 
coast. À radar site consists of the transmit/receive hardware, 
a data acquisition computer, compact cross-stick or air-loop 
receive antennas and a monopole transmit antenna. One 
radar site provides a measurement of the radial velocity field 
within the radar's field-of-view. The radial current 
components vi(¢;) around each range ring are derived from 
the Doppler shi of the Bragg peaks in the sea echo spectra. 
Directions $; associated with each radial current are found 
using a least squares direction finding algorithm (Lipa and 
Barrick, 1983). Typically, 15 Doppler spectra are averaged 
to provide one hourly estimate of vi(#;) and the standard 
deviation Óv of the speed. The azimutfial resolution of the 
radial currents is 5?. Barrick et al. (1974) have shown that 
the current sensed by the radar backscatter represents an 
average over a depth proportional to the radar wavelength. 
This depth is approximately 0.95 m for a carrier frequency of 
12.5 MHz; thus, HF radars measure a near-surface current 
that is a reasonable approximation for the upper layer current 
in the circulation model. 
The radial current maps from two or more sites are then used 
to calculate the total current field u;(x;,t) by combining radial 
currents on the uniformly spaced Cartesian model grid. A 
circular cell is defined around each grid point encompassing 
one or more radial components from each radar site. The 
radial velocity at the grid point is calculated as a weighted 
average of the radial components for one site contained in the 
circle. The weights incorporate the distance (weighted 
inversely) from the grid point to a contributing radial, and the 
standard deviation óv for each v;(¢;). Radial components 
from each site are combined by vector addition to give the 
total current magnitude and direction, and estimates of the 
error in speed (ôr) and direction (60). The current errors are 
spatially dependent. Confidence in the observed current, as 
reflected by dr and 90, is highest near the centre of the 
coverage area between the radars, where radar performance 
is best, and lowest toward the edges of the coverage area. 
The larger separation between radial currents with increasing 
range, combined with poorer radar performance at large 
range, and increased triangulation error in the vector addition 
(Leise, 1984), accounts for the lower confidence around the 
limits of coverage. These characteristics lead to surface 
current measurements that are slightly noisier than one 
expects from conventional current meter data. In order to 
take these error characteristics in account, the data 
assimilation scheme adopted for u;(x;,t) blends the observed 
field with the modelled field at centre time of the 
measurement using a spatially-dependent weighting function 
of the form: 
u;(x;.t)a = K u;(x;,t})p + (1-K) u;(x;,0M (10) 
where K is a weight, and subscripts A, O and M represent 
Assimilated, Observed and Modelled currents. A variable € 
is defined as the ratio of the area of the tip of the current 
vector that is allowed to vary with r + 8r and © + 80 to the 
area of the annular ring segment defined by r + ôrmax And © 
+ S0max- The weight K is defined as 0.75(1-e). The factor 

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