Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

orbital swath digital data, and the NGDC ‘stable lights’ data 
product in our analysis [Elvidge et al. 1997a]. The ‘stable 
lights’ product is a global product that uses multiple orbits 
of the DMSP/OLS that are manually screened for clouds and 
mapped into a single product. For any one location, 
multiple cloud-free orbits are collected and a number, 
representing the fraction of time the location was lit out of 
all observations, is presented as the location or pixel digital 
value. Values range from 0 to 100% lit for any location. The 
‘stable lights’ data, when appropriately processed, can be 
used to delineate urban areas world-wide. 
We have had excellent results in delineating urban areas in 
the coterminous U.S. [Imhoff et al., 1997a, 1997b] using a 
thresholding technique that eliminates ephemeral light 
sources, misregistration, and water glint from the NOAA 
NGDC ‘stable lights’ data set. Our approach has been used to 
map urbanization on soil resources in the U.S. [Imhoff et al., 
1997a] and to compare urban area from the U.S. with that 
from the thresholded ‘stable lights’ data [Imhoff et al. 
1997b]. The two estimates were within 5% over the total 
7.7 X 106 km? of the U.S. with 2.7% of the area urbanized. 
The approach of Imhoff et al. [1997a,b] is being used by 
Gallo and Owen [1998] to differentiate between urban, 
suburban and rural weather stations in the U.S. Similar 
approaches are being used to refine the data set and use 
newer ‘radiance controlled’ data for studies of population 
[Sutton et al., 1997], human settlement [Elvidge et al., 
1997b] and human energy use [Elvidge et al., 1997c]. 
The purpose for this research work was an interest in the 
complex problems of urban expansion and population 
growth in the arid regions of the Mid-east. The work was 
stimulated by an initiative sponsored by Headquarters of the 
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The 
issues of land occupation, access to arable land, water rights, 
and rapid population growth in this area made remotely 
sensed indicators of population density and urban 
infrastructure of great interest. This project was an initial 
‘proof of concept’ effort to see if historical trends in 
population or urban areas could be evaluated with DMSP/OLS 
product and/or high resolution daytime data, if soils 
resources were in fact heavily urbanized, and if our approach 
would work in areas other than the continental U.S. where 
they were developed. Further work will build on this initial 
project and will focus the same types of analysis on Israel 
and Jordan. 
2.1 Data Sets Used 
2.11 DMSP/OLS 
DMSP/OLS ‘historical’ non-digital products - 
DMSP/OLS data prior to the mid-90’s were only acquired in a 
‘hard copy’ format. These data were digitized from a paper 
print using a desktop scanner. Usable ‘historical’ data sets 
included images from 10/77, 06/84, 07/86, 01/88 and 
02/90. The resultant files in raw binary format were co- 
registered using prominent features such as water ways and 
coastlines, and then registered with the DCW regional map. 
DMSP/OLS single swath products - A single orbital 
swath of DMSP/OLS nighttime data was acquired for 10/96. 
This data set was subset [it contained an entire orbit of the 
Earth] to just cover the area under study. The data was 
registered with the other DMSP/OLS nighttime images. 
Enhanced DMSP/OLS composite orbit “city 
lights” product - We used the ‘stable lights’ DMSP/OLS 
product available from NOAA NGDC, but enhanced it with 
out ‘thresholding’ technique to remove registration errors, 
ephemeral light sources and light glint into water bodies 
[Imhoff et al., 1997a,b]. We call this enhanced urban land 
cover product "city lights". 
2.12 Landsat Images: Thematic Mapper [TM] and 
MultiSpectral Scanner [MSS] - 1976 MSS and 1987 TM data 
were acquired for the U.S. Geologic Survey EROS Data 
Center. A block of four adjacent scenes were required to 
cover the lower Nile, Cairo and Nile Delta areas that were . 
under study. The MSS scenes were 189/038, 189/039, 
190/038 and 190/039 [WRS I]. The comparable TM scenes 
were 176/038, 176/039, 177/038 and 177/039 [WRS II]. 
These data were acquired to test a process of classification of 
daytime images for extraction of areas under urban-type land 
2.13 FAO Soils Map: The UNESCO FAO Digital Soils 
Map for the World was acquired from FAO and subset for this 
project. The map is produced at a scale of 1:5 million, is of 
course resolution, but the only global soils database 
available. It is based on a paper product. (FAO-UNESCO, 
1975, 1992]. 
2.2 Data Registration 
Digital Chart of the World [DCW, ESRI, Redlands CA USA] 
was used as the base map for registration of all the image 
products. Albers Equal Area projection was used. Ground 
control points were extracted from the DCW for registering 
TM, MSS and DMSP/OLS historical and single orbit data 
sets. No registration was required for either the UNESCO 
FAO Soils Map or the DMSP/OLS ‘stable lights’ data as they 
are distributed in geographic coordinates. 
2.3 Analysis 
Due to the wide variance in spatial coverage between the data 
sets used in this analysis, we chose several areas in common 
for our urban land cover study. For the Landsat 
multitemporal [1976-1987] land use study, this area was 
4000 X 4000 TM 30m pixels, approximately 120 X 120 km 
or 14,400 km?. The geographic bounds were N319 10' 
20.71", E309 26' 19.21" [upper left corner] and N29» 38" 
40.38", E319 57' 59.07". This area covered Cairo and most 
of the Nile delta region of Egypt. For the examination of 
soils covered by urban land use based on the "city lights" 
data the entire country was used. 
2.31 DMSP/OLS 
DMSP/OLS ‘historical’ non-digital products - 
These non-digital products were scanned and then a manual 
process used to 'threshold' the the wide range digital values 
until only solid blocks of lighted pixels were visible. This 
was an iterative process that removed moonlit desert, 
444 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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