Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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DMSP/OLS Single Orbits 
10/77 06/84 07/86 02/87 01/88 02/90 10/96 
Date of Acquisition 
Figure 1. Historical trend in urban land cover, Cairo/Nile 
delta region. 19777-1996 using DMSP/OLS ‘paper’ data and 
single orbit products. 
ephemeral light and low-level illumination from each of the 
images. The process was keyed on the removal of ‘noise’ 
and the retention of spots of know urban population centers. 
Thresholding was stopped at an upper limit when the 
population centers disappeared or were reduced in size. Total 
area was calculated on a summed pixels within class basis 
and compared year-to-year. 
DMSP/OLS single swath products - A manual 
thresholding process was used for this digital product that 
followed the protocol developed for the scanned non-digital 
products. Total area was calculated based on pixel size and 
2.32 Landsat Images: The four 1987 Landsat Thematic 
Mapper and four 1976 Multispectral Scanner scenes were 
each mosaiced in the registration process. An unsupervised 
classification routine was used to create clusters of pixels 
with similar spectral characteristics [ENVI, Isoclus, PCI, 
Canada]. The clusters were identified manually using the TM 
high resolution images in natural and false-color near IR 
representations, and other collateral data as available. 
Clusters were combined into six cover types: urban, water, 
vegetation, bare soils, desert, and other [<2%]. This study 
area was approximately 14,400 km? [see 2.3 above]. 
2.33 FAO Soils with *City Lights" Urban Land 
Cover: A spatial intersection of the FAO Soils classes was 
made with the "city lights" urban land cover data set. We 
used a popular geographic information system [GIS, 
ArcInfo, ESRI, Redlands, CA USA] for this operation. 
Percentage of each of eight soil types plus water under “city 
lights” or urban land use were calculated for the entire 
country of Egypt [see 2.3 above]. 
3.1 Urban Land Cover Change 
3.11 DMSP/OLS-based Urban Land Cover 
Change - Both ‘historical’ [1977-1990] non-digital 
sources of nighttime images and a single orbit digital 
DMSP/OLS image [1996] were used in this analysis to see if 
historical trends in urban land cover area could be determined 
| igure 2. Historical ‘paper’ product from DMSP/OLS. Note 
high gain allows visualization of not only lights from urba 
areas, but also clouds and moonlit desert landscape. 
for the Cairo/Nile delta area. After the historical data sets 
were digitized and ‘thresholded’ to remove ‘noise’ they were 
compared year-by-year including the 1996 digital data set. 
The results of this comparison [Figure 1] show that it is 
extremely difficult to use either the early non-digital 
products or the current digital DMSP/OLS products in a 
fruitful quantitative analysis. Most of the difficulty lies in 
- selecting appropriate digital values that can differentiate 
between actual urban land cover classes and other 
inappropriate classes. Some of this confusion is due to the 
wide range of land use types that can fall under the category 
of urban land cover, but much is due to the unknown gain 
settings of the instrument which is varied by the DoD to 
optimize cloud detection through the monthly phases of the 
Moon, not to optimize delineation of urban land cover 
types. Using unaltered data, the percentage of urban land 
cover varied from 22.8 to 64% of the 14,400 km?2 study area. 
After applying a threshold filter to the data, the range was 
7.4 to 42.4% of the area under urban land cover. There is no 
consistent trend in an area known for its rapid urbanization 
and population growth. Neither the ‘historical’ nor the 
single orbit digital DMSP/OLS data sets are very useful for 
areal studies without further processing that was beyond the 
scope of this project. 
Some of the problems in interpretation of this data set can 
be seen in Figure 2 which shows one of the ‘historical’ data 
sets. With the gain in use at the time of acquisition, 
extraordinary detail can be seen in land cover detail and 
moonlit clouds well beyond just the extent of lighted areas 
of human occupation. A more typical image is that shown in 
Figure 3, the 1996 digital product of the fraction of a single 
DMSP/OLS orbit. The thresholding process is represented 
in Figure 4 showing a subset of the digital 1996 image of the 
Cairo and Nile delta region in ‘raw’ form, with the ‘best’ 
threshold, and with only the highest level of illumination or 
pixels with an exoatmospheric radiance that saturated the 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 445 

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