Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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^ Eo AMI | The ratio of 
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Fig.2 Basic concept of 
land use change model 
3.3 The ratio of urban population and income 
Fig.3 shows the ratio of urban population 
and income in Asia. The more income result 
in more people in urban area. The co-relation 
between the ratio of urban population and the 
income 1s shown in Table. 1. 
The ratio of urban popultion(%) 
GDP/Person* Year (dollar) 
Fig.3 The ratio of urban population 
and income in Asia 
Table.1 The co-relation between the ratio 
of urban population and the income 
Constant ValueEstimated Coefficient R-squared J 
d kA 
Japan 73.33031 0.0000011493 0.8954 e. 
Thailand 13 50389 0.0001434098 08159 2 
Sri Lanka 23.26823 -0.0001030001 0.2446 © 
Philippines 24 69454 0.0006445522 0.9434 e 
Pakistan 16 42286 0.0020370843 0.9862 s 
Myanmar 2381414 0.0001292956 0.0139 
Malaysia 23.76486 0 0039548063 0.9371 se 
Korca Rep 38 68084 0.0000084858 0.9446 es 
Indonesia 5.53367 0 0000228739 0.9779 e 
India 14 48562 0.0017963065 09179 9 
China 14 37872 0 0073222832 0.9840 ee 
3.4 The ratio of urban population and land 
use change 
The ratio of urban population is applied 
for explaining. land use change. The co- 
relation between the ratio of urban population 
and the land use change is shown in Table 2. 
Table.2 The co-relation 
Constant Estimated R- Judgement: 
Value Cocfficient squared — **|*4, *5*, 
Japan Cropland. Arable land 295,528 -3,234 0947 9 
Improved Land 196.474 „2,177 0.993 ee 
Forest Land 220.356 403 0.077 
Other „335,838 5.008 0.899 xd 
India Cropland. Arable lan 1.602.918 3.602 0684 9 
Improved Land -298 603 29.438 0.976 ce 
Forest Land 580.218 3,803 0311 
Other 1.088.657 -36,844 0.952 se 
Indonesia Cropland. Arable lan 168.291 4624 0559 . 
Improved Land 34,333 324 0849 “x 
Forest Land 1.277,826 -5,324 0655 . 
Other 331.120 376 0010 
China Cropland. Arable lanc 1.078.363 4617 0817 e 
Improved Land 322.337 5.589 0599 . 
Forcst Land 1.382.586 4.281 0.154 
Other 6.507.715 3.308 0.040 
Sn Lanka Cropland. Arable lan 18.395 27 0.005 
Improved Land 1.128 197 0037 
Forest Land 3,747 772 0030 
Other 41.360 -996 0.040 
Thailand — Cropland, Arable lanc 28.851 9420 0813 9 
Improved Land 62,917 5.592 0918 ve 
Forcst Land 368.629 -12.156 0968 ve 
Other 176.327 -2856 0299 
Philippines Cropland. Arable lanc 73.193 368 0973 es 
Improved Land 2.686 262 0.930 ad 
Forest Land 97.500 784 0.750 ve 
Other 124.791 1.443 0856 oo 
Pakistan Cropland. Arable lan 50.161 $284 0212 
Improved Land 28.198 4.303 0826 » 
Forcst Land 6.451 1.252 0.688 . 
Other 698.972 -10,838 0559 . 
Mvanmar Cropland. Arable lan 94.696 234 0282 
Improved Land 12.223 -79 0.018 
Forest Land 294.169 1187 0356 
Other 256,882 -1,341 0.363 
Mongolia Cropland. Arable lan EAR 292 0941 %. 
Improved Land -2.594 $8 0873 oy 
Forest Land 247.932 1.887 0.865 v. 
Other 1.324.335 1.537 0.843 se 
Nepal Cropland. Arable lanc 22.800 62 0.950 ve 
Improved Land 2.884 527 0.567 ° 
Forest Land 50,497 519 0298 
Other 60,619 1.108 0.816 9e 
Malassia Cropland. Arable lan 45.301 70 0.760 se 
Improved Land 2.506 17 0.959 e 
Forest Land 223.019 -465 . 0018 
Other 57.724 378 0.012 
Korca Rep Cropland. Arable lanc 25.766 64 ‚0.922 es 
Improved Land 12.657 10 0.205 
Forest Land 68,500 -S1 0988 3 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998

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