4.2 Calculation
The results are shown in Table.4. This
table shows the comparison of land use
change in each country. 1995’s calculated
value is set to be 100%.
Table.4 The comparison of land use
change in each country(1995=100%)
1995 2000 2005 2010
Japan * Cropland.Arable land 100.00% 98.56% 97.04% 98. 86%
Improved Land 100.00% 98.44% 96.78% 98.77%
Forest Land 100.00% 100. 03% 100.07% 100. 03%
Other 100.00% 102.03% 104. 19% 101.618
India Cropland, Arable lane 100. 00& 100.09% 100.30% 100. 26%
Improved Land 100.00% 102.79% 108. 88% 107. 94%
Forest Land 100.00% 100.25% 100. 78% 100. 70%
Other 100.00% B8.26% 62.61% 66.61%
Indonesia Cropland. Arable lan 100.00% 102.69 107.51% 108. 28%
Improved Land 100.00% 101.38% 103. 86% 104. 26%
Forest Land 100.00% 99.02% 97.27% 96.99%
Other 100.00% 100.22% 100.60% 100.67%
China Cropland, Arable land 100.00% 99.34% — 98.468 98.71%
Improved Land 100.00% 101.58% 103.67% 103. 07%
Forest Land 100.00% 99.54% 98.93% 99. 10%
Other 100.005 100.07& 100. 16% 100. 13%
Sri Lanka Cropland. Arable lane 100.008 99.90% 99.96% 99. 96%
Improved Land 100.00% 99.69% 99.07% 99. 00%
Forest Land 100.00% 99.68% 99.04% 98.96%
Other 100.00% 100. 42% 101.76% 101. 36%
Thai land Cropland, Arable lam 100.008 — 101.518 104. 09% 103. 24%
Improved Land 100.00% — 104.068 111.0% 108.77%
Forest Land 100.00% 96.76% 91.22% 93.05%
Other 100.00% 99.188 97.78% 08.24%
Philippines Cropland. Arable lane 100.00% 100.61% 101.67% 101. 37%
Improved Land 100.00% 102. 46% 106. 66% 105. 27%
Forest Land 100.00% 100.878 102.37* 101. 87%
Other 100.00% 95.67% 88.27% 90.71%
Myanmar Cropland. Arable lane — 100. 00$ 100.00% 100. 00% 100. 01%
Improved Land 100.00% 100.00% 99.99% 99.98%
Forest Land 100.00% 100.00% 100.01% 100.01%
Other 100.00% 100.00% 99.99% 99. 98%
Malaysia Cropland. Arable lane 100.00% 100.38% 100. 87% 100. 83%
Improved Land 100.00% 101.36% 103. 10% 102. 95%
Forest Land 100.00% 99.37% 9R. 56% 98. 63%
Other 100.00% 101.31% 102. 98% 102. 84%
Korea Rep Cropland. Arable lane 100.008 — 98.03& 95.66% 96.08%
Improved Land 100.00% 100. 48% 101. 05% 100. 95%
Forest Land 100. 00% 99.51% 08.92% 99.03%
Modeling the land use change in Asia is
conducted and the model can follow the
actual value. Land use change projection to
2010 in Asia is conducted. Highly developed
countries such as Japan, Korea Rep lost their
cultivation arca. but most of the countries in
Asia. thev increase the cultivation area and
most of the case they decrease forest area. As
for the developed country, if they failed to
earn enough money to import food, they
might suffer from serious problem. As for
developing country, their activity to feed
themselves might cause a serious
environmental problem such as destroying
tropical forest. We should think how to meet
future food needs and land use change while
reducing poverty and protecting environment.
International Monetary Fund(1995):
International Financial Statistics Yearbook
. p.242.
W.Behrens, P. M.Hawranek(1995):
Manual for the Preparation of Industrial
Feasibility Studies, United Nations Industrial
Development Organization,p.386.
Paul Krugman(1994)
The Myth of Asia's Miracle,
World Bank(1996):
World Economic Statitics.p.766
Japanese version
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998