shown in equation (3.1.4) proposed by Goward
and Huemmrich(1992), since the parameters are
determined under the very common conditions
in terms of sun zenith angle, latitude etc., and
are suitable for global assessment.
Figure-2 shows the procedure for producing a
map of annual amount of NPP from monthly
NDVI and PAR data.
3.2 Land Use Data
Land Use Map was downloaded from the
map/download.html, which was generated by
Dept. of Geography, University of Maryland.
The land uses are classified to 13 classes by the
decision tree method using NDVI seasonal data
and other information of BAND-1,2,3,4,5 of
3.3 Agricultural Production Data
Agricultural Production data can be down-
loaded from the URL:http:/apps.fao.org/cgi-
bin /nph-db.pl?subset= agriculture
There are some changes on the
boundary and definition in different years and
different data sources, therefore analysis is not
made to such countries. In order to compare
amount of agriculture production with common
unit scale, the amount of agricultural production
is evaluated by converting from typical crops
production(weight) to calorie base according to
crop-calorie data: such as (a)rice(3.51Mcalton),
(b)wheat(3.35Mcal/ton), (c)barley (3.39Mcal/ton),
(d)corn(3.50Mcal/ton),(e)sorghum (3.36 Mcal/
ton ),(Dsoybean(4.28Mcal/ton), (g)cassava (1.50
Mcal/ton) | (h)potato(0.77Mcal/ton), |. (sweet
potato (1.23Mcal/ton), (j)oats (3.17 Mcalton),
(k)millet(3.07Mcal/ton), Urye (3.33 Mcalton).
4.1 NPP Distribution Map
"NPP Distribution Map "(Fig-3) was generated
by accumulating monthly NPP for 12 month of
1989. By overlaying this map with land use map,
accumulated NPP on points which are classified
as crop field. There are some countries those
have no crop field in the land use map such as
Burkina Faso, Gambia, Jordan, Kuwait and so
on. This may be caused by the reason that crop
fields in such countries are not enough large to
be detected by 8kmx8km ground resolution
satellite data.
4.2 Agricultural Biomass
Agricultural biomass is defined as annual
production in pixels classified as crop field in the
land use map. The value was calculated by
multiplying annual NPP by the area of each
4.3 Converting Ratio
“Converting Ratio” indicates how efficient the
agricultural biomass can be converted to crop
production. Fig-4 shows “Converting Ratio Map”
where USA, some countries in Europe, Japan
and China have high values, and many
Table-1 Efficiency Index
Country E. Indx
Netherlands 2471
UK 1934
Luxembourg 1844
Japan 1811
Central Africa 98
Namibia 94
Sudan 75
Botsuwana 68
countries in Africa have low values, Table-1 is
Efficiency Index for some
countries with high and low values of it.
sample of the
4.4 Agricultural Production Map
Fig-5 is Agricultural Production Map which was
generated by the procedure described in Fig-1.
The value was computed for the pixels of crop
field in the land use map.
There still have some problems in the algorithm
described in this paper. The validation is now
detailed Fig-6
illustrates the relation between the statistic
made using information.
data of agricultural production from “US Census
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998