Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

coordinate information as UTM-labeled tic marks. These data 
were archived at EDC, and distributed to the project 
implementation teams at the University of New Hampshire, 
Michigan State University, and University of Maryland on 
8mm tape cartridges. A 1:250,000 scale photographic 3-band 
color composite print and a 1:1,000,000 color transparency 
were also produced and distributed. 
LANDSAT digital data acquired for this project represent a 
distillation and high-grading of the best available scenes for 
the regions of interest for the three time periods. Most scenes 
have 20% cloud cover or less. Without the highly 
collaborative nature of this project, such a valuable data set 
may never have been assembled in a single archive. 
3.2 Overview of End-to-end Processing 
Previous research on an International Space Year project to 
map deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (Skole and Tucker 
1993) and methods development for this project suggested 
that the use of digital image processing in conjunction with 
editing, georeferencing and spatial analysis in a Geographic 
Information System was an effective means for quantifying 
deforestation, and that the use of high resolution LANDSAT 
data may in fact yield much better precision than AVHRR- 
based analyses. The use of digital pre-processing with visual 
post-processing greatly reduces analysis time over that of 
hand digitization of a photographic product. and greatly 
reduces the confusion of classes associated with purely digital 
processing techniques. Nearly 3000 scenes will be processed 
and analyzed using these techniques to produce individual 
classifications containing areas of forest, deforestation. 
regrowth, non-forest vegetation, cloud, cloud shadow, and 
The dataset resulting from the digital classification was then 
plotted as a polygon on clear vellum at 1:250,000 scale and 
compared with the 1:250,000 scale color composite prints of 
the Landsat images provided by EDC. Digitizers checked the 
label on each and every polygon for accuracy, made any 
necessary changes and added any missing polygons. This 
process was iterative, with quality assurance checking repeated 
until the coverage was accepted for archiving. Quality control 
was carried out by trained supervisors with GIS training, 
forestry backgrounds and field experience. 
The final coverages were then stitched together scene by scene 
to build regional coverages. Spatial analysis took place at this 
regional level, where areas of deforestation, forest, and 
secondary growth were calculated. These activities created the 
products that will be distributed to the science user community 
by a DAAC or international organization such as IGBP and 
used by collaborators in global carbon balance modeling 
To obtain an estimate of the accuracy of the data set, the HTF 
project developed a field based accuracy assessment program. 
Our objectives were to quantify the thematic and areal variance 
of our results. We did this at three levels of analysis. First, we 
conferred with experts in each region, gaining insights from 
their extensive knowledge of local conditions. To facilitate a 
close working relationship with experts in the countries and 
regions in which we were studying, we had a visiting 
scientists program which provided support to colleagues from 
tropical countries to spend time in residence at the HTF labs. 
Second, we conducted preliminary and cursory field excursions 
to various areas, where we developed a good on-the-ground 
sense of conditions and established initial classification rules 
and procedures. Third, we conducted systematic field validation 
exercises, where points on the field were selected and 
measurements were made using a Global Positioning System. 
Results of these field exercises were used to develop a 
statistical accuracy assessment using standard methods of 
presentation in contingency tables. 
3.3 Data Acquisition 
The project obtained digital Landsat MSS and TM data from 
three sources: (a) the U.S. national archives held at the EROS 
Data Center, primarily for historical MSS data, (b) foreign 
ground stations, and (c) directly from the EOSAT corporation. 
Much of the data were purchased with funding from NASA and 
EPA at rates set by the USGAU (U.S. Government Affiliated 
User) agreement, although the project had been able to get 
discounts as a result of the large number of scenes being 
acquired from any given source. The EROS Data Center 
provided the MSS data from the U.S. national archive as in 
kind support to the project. 
At the start of the project a detailed data plan was developed to 
determine the best dates and sources for data. This data plan 
was created using a computerized Information Management 
System (IMS) which the project constructed to sort through 
over 3 million metadata entries obtained from the EROS Data 
Center and foreign ground stations. The EROS Data Center 
provided the full digital metadata listing of its archives as well 
as the most current listing of metadata for selected ground 
stations through the Landsat Ground Station Operators 
Working Group (LGSOWO). These listings were supplemented 
with a significant number of additional entries provided 
directly by ground stations that had not provided metadata 
listings to LGSOWG (c.g. Thailand and Indonesia). 
The project then used the IMS to determine how much data was 
available with less than 20% cloud cover, and to select the 
most appropriate dates for large-arca acquisitions in each of 
the regions covered by this study (i.e.. the Amazon Basin, 
Central Africa, and Southeast Asia). 
The project established cooperative arrangements with ground 
stations in Brazil, Ecuador, Kenya, Gabon, South Africa, 
India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia. We worked closely 
with the ground station operators to select and purchase data 
from their historical archives as well as new acquisitions. The 
University of New Hampshire had the primary responsibility 
for coordinating all data orders from the ground stations. The 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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