Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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project cooperated with ground station personnel and 
established procedures for ordering, formatting and 
processing, shipping, and scheduling of data acquisitions. 
Data were sent directly to the University of New Hampshire 
where shipping manifests were reconciled against orders, 
inventoried and forwarded to the EROS Data Center for pre- 
processing. The project coordinated between the foreign 
ground stations and the EROS Data Center to insure that data 
purchased from the ground stations were delivered in a format 
that EDC could pre-process into the project specific format 
Once at EDC the data were pre-processed to a format specified 
by the project, they were shipped back to the project for re- 
distribution to the appropriate laboratory for analysis. The 
University of New Hampshire and Michigan State University 
analyzed data for the Brazilian Amazon and Southeast Asia. 
The University of Maryland analyzed data for the non- 
Brazilian Amazon and Central Africa. 
The archive acquired by the project is unique. For at least two 
ground stations, the processing systems for historical MSS 
data have failed since the project began acquiring data. This 
problem is a trend observed worldwide, due to several factors, 
including failures of MSS tape handling hardware and the 
chronic degradation of older tapes. This problem along with 
lack of money for maintaining the archive due to the 
diminished interest in historical MSS data presents a major 
problem in the use of Landsat data as a long term source of 
data. The data acquired by this project may be the only copies 
available to the community at the present time and in the 
future. Preservation of an HTF archive containing high quality 
Landsat data is an additional benefit of this project. 
3.4 Data Analysis 
This section describes the details of data processing methods 
used at Michigan State University and the University of New 
Hampshire for analyzing the data covering Southeast Asia and 
the Brazilian Amazon. These methods are similar to those used 
by the University of Maryland, University of Virginia, and 
Pre-processed data were sent to UNH and MSU where it was 
analyzed for deforestation. The first step was inventory 
control, where each scene received from EDC was recorded into 
the IMS. Scenes were then rectified to "north-up" in a UTM 
projection using the corner points in the Data Descriptor 
Record as reference points. A browse product was then made 
and entered into the IMS and placed in the project web page 
Next, the data were analyzed to produce GIS based maps of 
deforestation. We used a hybrid methodology based on digital 
image processing combined with visual interpretation. The 
Steps used in our analysis were as follows: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
Data loading. Landsat MSS and TM image data arrived on 
8mm tapes in P format. P format corresponds to system 
corrected, map projected in Universal Transverse Mercator 
(UTM) projection (not precision geocoded) digital data with 
embedded tics marks and their corresponding UTM 
coordinates. Each individual tape contained either 5 files 
(MSS) or 8 files (TM). The first file on each tape was the Data 
Descriptor Record (DDR) containing information about the 
acquisition date, scene size (number of rows and columns and 
pixel size) and UTM coordinates of the four corners of the 
scene matrix. The information on the DDR was used to 
automate the image referencing step. 
Image Referencing. Landsat scenes were georeferenced to 
"north-up" using the four corner points provided in the DDR as 
Ground Control Points (GCPs) to define the linear 
transformation from files coordinates to UTM projection. The 
rectification was performed using nearest neighbor resampling 
technique to minimize convolution of the data. 
Image Classification. Two different classification 
methods were used in our analysis: Image Thresholding and 
Iterative, Self-organizing, Unsupervised Classification 
Image Thresholding. This classification technique was 
used for our analysis of MSS images of the Amazon. In this 
region we were interested in identifying seven thematic 
features: forest, deforestation, secondary forests, water, 
, clouds, cloud shadows, and non-forest. After an initial R&D 
effort we decided that image thresholding was best suited for 
the Amazon considering time efficiency and accurate initial 
classification of the data. 
Identification of Spectral Characteristics of Thematic Classes: 
The analyst examined the statistics of the digital values for 
representative areas for each of these surface features found 
within a scene. This was accomplished by drawing polygons 
around representative areas and calculating the mean, std. dev., 
maximum, and minimum for each band for all pixels within the 
Single Band  Thresholding: Utilizing the spectral 
characteristics of the data for each thematic class threshold 
values were chosen such that individual classes would be 
separated. Once a threshold value had been chosen a two class 
classification was created by level slicing the image based on 
the DNs of one band. The output classification was evaluated 
by overlaying the classification on the imagery. The 
threshold values would then be adjusted accordingly. These 
steps of identifying the threshold value, creating a level slice, 
and evaluation of the classification were repeated up to five 
times depending on the features within the scene. 
Combination of Individual Level Slices: The single band 
thresholding step created up to six classifications, each of 
which identified one of the thematic features. These 
classifications were combined into a single classification 

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