Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

containing all the thematic classes within the scene. The 
analyst determined the decision tree used to combine the 
separate classifications to insure that all deforestation and 
secondary growth areas were properly classified. As a result of 
this methodology and due to the nature of digital remote 
sensing, the output classification was not entirely accurate. 
Therefore, the classification must be edited. The editing is 
performed manually using the project GIS methods described 
ISODATA. This classification technique was used for our 
analysis of MSS and TM scenes in Southeast Asia. We found 
that the thresholding technique employed in the Amazon MSS 
analysis was not an effective first pass classification 
technique due to several factors, including increased 
topographic effects and the continuum of land cover types 
typically found within individual scenes in Southeast Asia. We 
have the following 5 output classes for our analyses in this 
region: forest, non-forest, water, cloud, and cloud shadow. 
Creation of Output Classes: We first created a new band which 
was the ratio of band 4 (NIR) to band 2 (RED). We ran an 
unsupervised classification using only band 2 (RED) and this 
new band. We applied the ERDAS routine ISODATA to locate 
45 output clusters. This ISODATA algorithm uses the statistics 
of the data to determine the initial clusters arbitrarily. Then 
the arbitrary means of the clusters are shifted to locate the 
actual spectral statistics for each cluster. This shifting step 
was repeated until at least 95% of the pixel were not reassigned 
to new clusters during subsequent iterations that shifted the 
cluster means.. 
Assignment of Final Classes: A minimum distance decision 
rule was then applied to the entire image to assign all pixels to 
one of the 45 output classes. 
Recoding output classes into project classes: The output 
classification was recoded into a new classification containing 
up to 5 classes. This was done by overlaying the 45 class 
classification on the original imagery to aggregate the 45 
classes into 5. 
Conversion from Raster to Vector Format. The 
output classification was converted from ERDAS file format to 
an ARC/INFO GRID file. The GRID file was then converted to 
vector format using the ARC/INFO GRIDPOLY routine. 
Manual Editing of Vector Product. The vector product 
was plotted at 1:250,000 scale on vellum using an 
electrostatic plotter or large format inkjet printer. The vellum 
plot was then overlaid on our 1:250,000 scale colorfire 
photoproduct of the Landsat image. Polygons that were 
misclassified were identified and edited. The vector coverage 
was then re-plotted and checked for further editing. These 
plotting and editing steps were repeated until the 
classification was completed. 
Registration to Base Map. Because the original digital 
data set was only system corrected there were misregistration 
errors up to several kilometers. However, since the original 
data was map projected an affine shift was sufficient to register 
the vector coverage to a UTM base map. The LP project used 
the World Data Bank II boundaries as our base map. Once the 
first scene was registered to the base map subsequent scenes 
were registered and edge matched to other registered scenes. 
We found that for the 1980s Amazon assessment we moved the 
scenes on average 2539 meters in the X direction and 904 
meters in the Y direction. For the 1970s Southeast Asia 
assessment on average we shifted the scenes 2082 meters in X 
and 4667 meters in Y. The offsets for these two regions were 
comparable in X, but not in Y. The difference is probably 
attributable to the source of the data. The 1980s data came 
from the EDIPS format, while the 1970s data was from the 
older X format. The referencing to actual Earth coordinates was 
finalized by using field derived control points to constrain the 
WDBII positional information. 
Field Validation. To obtain an estimate of the accuracy of 
our final analysis, the project used a field-based accuracy 
assessment program. Our objectives were to quantify the 
thematic and positional variance. We did this at three levels of 
1. We conferred with experts in each region, gaining 
insights from their extensive knowledge of 
conditions. To facilitate a close working relationship 
with experts in the countries and regions in which we 
were studying, we had a visiting scientists program which 
provided support to colleagues from tropical countries to 
spend time in residence at our research labs. Visiting 
scientists spent anywhere from 2 to 12 months in 
2. We conducted preliminary and cursory field excursions to 
various areas, where we obtained a good on-the-ground 
sense of conditions and established initial classification ' 
rules and procedures. 
3. We conducted systematic field validation exercises, where 
points on the field were selected and measurements were 
made using a Global Positioning System. The results of 
these field exercises were used to develop a statistical 
accuracy assessment using standard methods of 
presentation ‚in contingency tables. In these field 
exercises we tested two aspects of accuracy. The first was 
thematic, assessing errors of omission and commission 
in classification of the images. The second, using the 
GPS and obvious features, we assessed the geometric and 
positional accuracy of the image registration. 
The project established approximately 22 field test sites 
throughout the tropics. At each test site we collected as much 
ancillary data as possible as well as other sources of remote 
sensing data including Spot XS&PAN and various SAR data. 
Field measurements were conducted at each test site. We also 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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