Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Global Mapping Project 
Technical Challenges and Perspectives in the Future - 
Tsuneo Tanaka, Kosei Otoi, Hiroshi Masaharu, Hiromichi Maruyama, Yoshikazu Fukushima 
Geographic Department, Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan 
KEY .WORDS: Global Map, Earth, Environment, 
Geographic data, Specifications, Vegetation. 
1. Introduction 
"The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 
so called the Earth Summit, was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 
1992 in order to discuss countermeasures against global 
environmental problems, such as deforestation, desertification and 
acid rain. In “Agenda 21,” the specific action plan adopted at this 
conference to materialize sustainable development, it is mentioned 
that it is important to collect various data and information and 
enhance their usability. Based on this state of affairs, Ministry of 
Construction of Japan recognized that it was crucial to have 
geographic information to understand the present status and changes 
of global environment to cope with global environmental problems, 
and has advocated the concept since 1992 to develop geographic 
data set under international cooperation, namely “Global Map” 
development concept. 
Global Map is a huge geographic information data base in lkm 
ground resolution or at a scale of 1:1,000,000 in digital format to 
understand the present status and changes of global environment and 
to cope with global environmental problems caused by those 
changes. Basic principles of Global Map are the following: to cover 
the whole globe; to have consistent specifications, and to be 
provided widely to the public. These principles are derived from the 
problems that existing geographic information, in which some have 
been developed on global scale, are not always opened to the public, 
do not have consistent accuracy and standards, have area without 
data, and have the area which have lower accuracy. Also it is needed 
that Global Map will be available to as many people as possible. In 
this paper, the history of Global Map development concept is 
summarized. Technical specifications adopted as a draft at 
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and a 
prototype version of Global Map Japan based on the specifications 
are also described. 
2. History 
In order to promote Global Mapping concept, Geographical Survey 
Institute has been advancing technological development needed for 
Global Mapping using technologies of geographic information 
processing and remote sensing. Also we have implemented 
technical training for developing countries. On the other hand, we 
have worked to form intemational agreements on Global Map 
development through the participation of international conferences 
on geographic information and holding of Global Map workshops, 
as listed below: 
v In November 1994, the First International Workshop on 
Global Mapping was held in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, 
Japan with the participation of thirteen countries and one 
international organization. It was resolved to develop the data 
set with the goal of the year 2000, to establish a steering 
committee for preparation activities and coordination of 
Global Map development, and to facilitate technological and 
economic support. 
e In February 1996, the Second International Workshop 
on Global Mapping was held in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki 
Prefecture, Japan and national mapping organizations of ten 
countries and three international organizations participated in 
the Workshop. “Intemational Steering Committee for Global 
Mapping (ISCGM)" was established, which was resolved at 
the First International Workshop on Global Mapping and 
intended for the information exchange among national 
mapping organizations and the coordination between the 
projects related to the development. The members were from 
thirteen countries including those who were not able to 
participate in the Workshop itself. At the First Meeting held 
immediately after the establishment, it was resolved, that’ 
ISCGM make approaches to various countries for the easy 
access of existing data set, and that national mapping 
organizations should develop data with the coordination of 
other data development projects as well as work on 
governments for funding. 
9 In November 1996, "Interregional Seminar on Global 
Mapping for the Implementation of Multinational 
Environmental Agreements” was held in Santa Barbara, 
California organized by the United Nations Department for 
Development Support and Management Services the 
University of California at Santa Barbara and Geographical 
Survey Institute. “Santa Barbara statement” was adopted as 
the consensus of participants. In the Statement, it was 
recommended that overall Global Map development should be 
implemented under the umbrella of the United Nations and the 
effort should be recognized at national, regional and global 
levels. Also "the Second Meeting of International Steering 
Committee for Global Mapping” was held at the same time 
and working groups were established for the discussions of 
specifications and action program. 
® In November 1997, “Global Mapping Forum’97 in 
Gifu” and “the Third Meeting of International Steering 
Committee for Global Mapping” were held at Gifu Prefectural 
Library, and draft action program for Global Map 
development and draft technical specifications of Global Map 
data set (hereafter referred to as draft specifications) were 
adopted subject to the future improvement. In this context, 
Global Map concept was advanced from the mere theory to 
the concrete development project. 
3. Draft Action Program 
In the draft Action Program, Global Map development is largely 
divided into two phases. The First Phase is by the year 2000 that data 
development is scheduled to be completed. And the Second Phase is 
for data update after the year 2001. At the First Phase, data 
development with six items, which are described later, will be 
materialized under the umbrella of the United Nations with the 
international cooperation of national mapping organizations and 
using existing geographic data both in analog and digital form 
complemented with remote sensing data. At the Second Phase and 
after, it is intended to increase data items and to use remote sensing 
technology to carry out efficient update. For the data set 
development of the First Phase, following data sets are currently 
considered to be used, namely GTOPO30, Global Land Cover 
characterization and Vector Map Level 0. 
484 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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