Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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Table 1 The specifications of Vegetation 
Classification category Characteristics 
Tropical rain forest Evergreen forest which has much rainfall and high humidity throughout the 
year. This class has upper canopy which is formed by trees from 30 to 40m tall 
and emerging trees taller than upper canopy studded. 
Rain green forest Deciduous broad-leaved trees which are defoliated in dry season and foliate in 
rainy season, located in the area which has less rainfall than Tropical rain forest 
and dry season. 
‘Grassland in tropical — or | Grassland with grasses in the area which has long dry season and is heavily 
subtropical zone dried. Trees are only sparsely distributed. Plant density depends on dryness. 
Semi desert in tropical or 
subtropical zone 
This area is nearly barren land. Plants are sparsely distributed in the area which 
has little rainfall and is heavily dried. 
Desert in tropical or subtropical 
Plants are sparsely distributed in the area which has a little rainfall and 
extremely dried. This area is barren land so-called desert. 
Evergreen thick-leaved forest Forest in the area which has much rainfall in winter and is relatively dried in 
summer. Trees which have evergreen thick and hard leaves dominate this 
: forest. 
Evergreen broad-leaved forest Forest in the area of warm temperate zone which has much rainfall in summer, 
or is humid throughout the year. Broad-leaved trees which have leaves a little 
larger than evergreen thick-leaved trees are main components of this forest. 
Deciduous broad-leaved forest Forest which mainly consists of trees defoliated in winter. This forest appears in 
the area which has sufficient rainfall in cool temperate zone. 
Grassland in temperate zone Grassland which is dominated by grasses in dried climate in temperate zone. 
No trees grow. 
Semi-desert in temperate zone Heavily dried area in temperate zone. Grasses, such as mugwort and pigweed 
cover this area. 
Desert in temperate zone Extremely dried area in temperate zone. Grasses, such as mugwort and pigweed 
sparsely cover this area. 
Northern coniferous forest Coniferous trees in semi-frigid zone which has very cold and long winter. 
Trees in this forest are almost evergreen. 
Tundra Plant colony consists of shrubs, grasses with broad leaves, moss and lichenes. 
Trees cannot become tall due to severe coldness. 
Water body Water surfaces, such as rivers and lakes. 
Ice and snow 
Area which is covered with snow and ice throughout the year. 
Table2 Attributes of Vector-type layers 
Layer Mandate Optional 
Rivers Name in Roman characters without | ID code, Name in Roman characters 
diacritical mark with diacritical mark 
Lakes Name in Roman characters without | ID code, Name in Roman characters 
diacritical mark with diacritical mark 
General Roads Primary/Secondary Pavement, Presence of tunnel, 
Seasonal availability 
Highways (Nothing) Pavement, Presence of tunnel, 
Seasonal availability 
Railways (Nothing) Presence of tunnel 
Administrative boundary Name in Roman characters without | Name in Roman characters with 
diacritical mark, ID code diacritical mark 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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