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The Land Cover Working Group(LCWG) of the Asian 
Association on Remote Sensing(AARS) started its 
activity in 1993 and released the first product, "AARS 
Global 4-minute Land Cover Data Set with Ground Truth 
Information" by a CD-ROM in 1997(Tateishi 1997). 
The CD-ROM is available from the authors. The basic 
idea of the LCWG/AARS is to develop land cover data 
set of the whole Asia by Asian scientists and to 
contribute to the development of global data set by 
providing data set and information of Asia. 
1.2 Land Cover Classification System 
The land cover classification system is shown in Table 1 
which was developed through discussion with members 
of the LCWG/AARS. 
The land cover classification system was developed based 
on the following concepts. 
The LCWG/AARS proposes general land Cover 
classification system which meets both scientific and 
social needs. For scientific needs, the proposed 
classification system has similar land cover classes to 
IGBP-DIS land cover classification system. Key land 
cover class for social needs is cropland. In the proposed 
LCWG/AARS classification system, cropland is 
basically divided into three types such as tree crops, shrub 
crops, and grass crops in order to match the classification 
system for scientific needs. 
The classification system of this CD-ROM consists of 
60 classes including 48 classes for vegetation, 8 classes 
for non vegetation, and 4 classes for water. Addition of 
new classes up to 255 is possible. Class code is 
recorded in one byte. 
1.3 Ground truth collection 
Ground truth data in this study means geographically 
specified regions which are identified one of classes in the 
land cover classification system by class code. 
Collection of good ground truth data is a key issue for 
reliable land cover mapping. 
Ground truth data were collected mainly from existing 
maps by the cooperation of the working group members. 
Few ground truth were collected by field survey in 
Central Asia. 
Ground truth data of 35 land cover classes were collected. 
Geographical regions of each ground truth data and the 
information sources for each ground truth data are recorded 
in the distributed CD-ROM. 
1.4 AVHRR data and their preprocessing 
Global 8 km 10 days composite AVHRR NDVI data 
from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990 were used 
for the development of land cover data set. The cloud flag 
data for each pixel were also used for composite 
processing. These AVHRR data are a part of the 
NOAA/NASA Pathfinder AVHRR Land Data Set (Agbu 
The map projection of the NOAA/NASA Pathfinder 
AVHRR Land Data Set is based on the Interrupted Goode 
Homolosine projection. The data were transformed to 
latitude/longitude projection(Plate Carree projection) with 
four minutes resolution and resampled to the Digital 
Chart of the World(DCW) for the geometric registration . 
The accuracy after geometric registration is 0.6 pixels 
(one pixel : 4 minute grid) when compared with DCW at 
several points in global land area between 75 degrees 
north latitude and 55 degrees south latitude. 
In order to produce a cloud free NDVI image and to 
remove noises in an image, a monthly composite data 
was generated from 10-days composite data. Monthly 
composite is carried out pixel by pixel using three 10- 
days composite NDVI data in a month and corresponding 
three cloud flag data in a month. Cloud flag data gives 
one of three cloud status: clear, mixed, or cloudy. 
1.5 Classification 
Land cover classification was performed basically by 
phenological information from monthly NDVI data. 
In this study, a clustering, k-means method, was applied 
for monthly composite NDVI data of 1990 independently 
both for global land area and for Asian and Oceanian land 
area. Since AVHRR data in Pathfinder Data Set in the 
northern high latitude region over about 55 degree north 
are not available in winter season because of low sun 
elevation angle, a clustering was also applied for monthly 
data from March to October. That is, the following three 
clusterings were carried out. 
(1) 12 monthly NDVI data from January to December, 
1990 for global land area 
(2) 12 monthly NDVI data from January to December, 
1990 for Asia and Oceania 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 491 

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