In other words, an AWLC meta-database changes closed
knowledge of land use and land cover to open or
common knowledge for general researchers. This
common knowledge is a common property of general
researchers and it promotes the understanding of the
environment of Asia.
4.2 Classification of Agricultural Land
Agricultural land is the most important class in land use
planning. However this is one of the most difficult class
to extract from continental scale satellite data because of
small unit area and various crop calendars. One of the
solutions is the use of new sensor with the middle
resolution(50-200 m) and frequent observations(1-3 days).
Also, SAR data has a possibility to be applied to the
classification of agricultural land.
4.3 Others
There are several other subjects to do for the better
global/continental land cover monitoring,
- Digitization of historical land cover maps
Since globally covered satellite image exists only from
1981, historical land cover information is required for
long term land cover change analysis.
- Application of SAR data
Cloud coverage is the main barrier to hinder the
production of cloud free multi temporal data. The use of
SAR data gives new possibility for land cover
monitoring. However basic research of cfessification
using SAR data is required.
- Development of better digital global base map
The Digital Chart of the World(DCW) is the most
frequently used digital global base map. However the
accuracy is about 500 meters in both longitude and
latitude direction(Tateishi 1998). Therefore when we use
global/continental satellite image with a resolution better
than 1 km(AVHRR), a better global base map will be
- Representation of land cover by continuous variables
like vegetation cover percentage
Conventional category type representation of land cover
has some limitaMon in its ability to describe various
types of land covers. The representation of land cover by
continuous variables such as vegetation cover percentage
or vegetation height is recommended to use jointly with
category type representation.
Global/continental scale land cover monitoring is
important as the input to environmental studies and also
large scale land use planning. Authors developed land
cover data sets in global area and Asia. Also they listed
up future necessary studies for global/continental land
cover monitoring.
Agbu,PA. and M.E.James,1994. The NOAA/NASA
Pathfinder AVHRR Land Data Set Users Manual,
Goddard Distributed Active Center, NASA, Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt
Gregorio,A., 1996. AFRICOVER Land Cover
Classification, International Working Group Meeting by
FAO, Dakar, pp.29-31
Park,J.G., R.Tateishi, 1998. Correction of temporal
AVHRR NDVI data(in Japanese), Proc. Annual Conf.
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
Chiba Japan
Price,J.C., 1984. Land surface temperature measurements
from the split-window channels of the NOAA-7 AVHRR.
Journal of Geophysical Research. 89., 7231-7237
Tateishi, R., C.G. Wen and K. Perera, 1997. Global four-
minute land cover data set, Journal of the Japan Society
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.36, No.4,
Tateishi,R. and K.Xu,1998. Accuracy of the Digital
Chart of the World(in Japanese), Journal of the Japan
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (in
review process) '
Townshend, J.R.G.(Edit),1992. Improved Global Data for
Land Applications, Global Change Report No.20
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998