Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

. tracking: accompanying until 30 aim moveables. 
Surface - air mode/ Search track in large areas (X 
. scanner - 360 ? in sectors of 60 ?/ 120? 
. distance resolution - 6,0 m / 18 m; 
. azimuth resolution - 0,2 mrad / 0,42 mrad; 
reach - 92 km; 
. width from scanner area - 60,0 km; 
. scanner speed - 6°/ seg 
. MTI - Moving Target Indicator; 
. Tracking: Accompanying until 30 aim imoveables. 
The Multispectral Scanner performance 
parameters are: 
FOV: 865; 
IFOV: 1,25 / 2,5 mrad: 
Operation altitude : 0 - 4600m; 
. spectral range: 0,42 - 12,5 m; 
. (VIS) bands: 1 - 5; 
. (IVR) bands: 6 - 10; 
. (IVT) bands: 11. 
. scanner frequency: 6,25; 12,5; 25 scan /s. 
The MSS applications are: 
. land use; 
. hydric resources; 
. Vegetation; 
. agriculture production; 
. Ecological Economic Zoning - ZEE support to the 
sustainable developing controlled by SAE; 
. burning forest; 
. deforestation; 
. indian s land mapping and 
mapping and identification of non-regular areas. 
The MSS spatial resolutions are: 
. 1000 m- 1,25 - 2,5 m; 
. 2000 m - 2,5 - 5,0 m; 
. 3000 m - 3,75 - 7,5m; 
.4000 m- 5,0 - 10,0m. 
The airbone SAR may be applied with 
satellite data, because the boarding processing is real 
time and digital maps are acceptable in format .like 
LANDSAT 5 and 7, SPOT 1,2 and 3, ERS-1, JERS - 
1, RADARSAT and future launch CBERS- China 
Brazil Earth Resource Satellite using of the SPRING 
sotware developed by INPE - National Institute for 
Space Research in 1998. The Director of the INPE is 
Dr. Márcio Nogueira Barbosa. located in Sáo José dos 
Campos, Sáo Paulo State. 
The SIVAM Project will increase the INPE 
capacity on receiving remote sensing satellite data 
CBERS by the duplication of the antenna reception 
and increasing the capacity of images recording at 
INPE - Cuiabá , Mato Grosso do Sul State and 
increasing the capacity of images processing at INPE - 
Cachoeira Paulista, Sáo Paulo State. 
The former President of ICA/ACI  D.R. 
Fraser TAYLOR (1994) mentioned seven strategies 
used by China in its mapping activities. The last one is 
related to remote sensing as such: “In the processing 
of remote sensing imagery, China has an impressive 
record and has been quite innovative. It has 
developed its own platforms and has launched its own 
satellites. In addition there has also been an 
innovative combination of labour intensive and capital 
intensive technology. Extensive field checking of 
images using thousands of people has helped to 
develop a better image analysis potential”. 
In an effort to provide a suitable answer to 
this challenge, China and Brazil agreed on July 6, 
1988, to start a cooperative program to develop two 
remote sensing satellites. This joint China - Brazil 
Earth Resources Satellite - CBERS Program pools the 
technucal skills and financial resources of the two 
countries to establish a complete remote sensing 
system that ais both competitive and compatible with 
present international needs with the agreement - 
Chinese Academy of Space Technology - CAST and 
National Institute of Space Research - INPE. 
The CBERS - 1,2,3 and 4 satellites are 
designed for global coverage and include cameras to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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