Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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can be compensated in additional processing . Unlike this 
one, at more shalow imaging, these two sort of degradation 
decrease while the percentage of loss in shadows increase 
due to the terrain masks. 
When selecting the satellite RADARSAT images, sharper 
angles of imaging can be selected to obtain acceptable loss 
due to the shadows in the terrain masks. At airborne 
imaging by SAR, the altitude of the aircraft is limited. The 
necessary and acceptable imaging angle in vertical plane is 
We take digital terrain elevation model (DEM) as the basic 
source of the data on terrain. The maximum aircraft altitude 
limits the greatest distance at which the imaging is possible. 
The refraction in troposphere is included in model. 
Additional limit to SAR imaging of plane objects is that 
grazing angle of imaging must be bigger than several 
degrees (usually 4^) since backscatterring for smaller angles 
not possible to provide at greater distances. Another solution 
is imaging from the other side of lineaments and covering 
the areas in shadows. At RADARSAT, it is possible to 
select the route from the two sides, lateral to some area but 
from opposite flight direction. At aircraft imaging, there is 
the option to select the route enabling imaging from 
different directions compensating in this way limitation due 
to small imaging angles in vertical plane. 
drops abruptly so that it can be neglected. This fact 
introduces additional limit to solution of the discussed 
problem. To analyze the shadows influence, the situation is 
defined according to the Fig. 1. as follows: SAR is imaging 
the Earth surface and the main limitations are the platform's 
altitude, the lowest depression angle of SAR's antenna in the 
vertical plane and the elevation of the terrain. 
4 w | Depression angle 
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Figure 1. Model for the analysis of the shadows. The top T of the hill produces a shadow for the SAR flying e.g. at the altitude 
2000m (line A-A). The line B-B is a tangent on the backslope of the hill. An angle greater than 4°, between the backslope's 
tangent B-B and the new SAR's position, line C-C, enables the imaging of the backslope by the SAR, but at greater aircraft's 
altitude, ca 3.3 km in the example. Minimum depression angle of the SAR antenna in the vertical plane, measured from the 
horizontal line, limits the maximum achievable range for the smooth terrain (for SAR at the altitude 5000 m it is ca 76 km). The 
standard troposphere refraction was included in the model. 
According to the Fig.1, if the increase in the airborne SAR 
altitude is allowed (in the example from 2000m to 3300m), 
it is possible to image the backslope. This manner of 
decreasing the loss of image due to the shadows of relief 
Will be possible only to some small distance since the 
necessary aircrafUs altitude increases with the growing 
distance. If smaller, i.e. narrower areas are imaged, e.g. 
mined areas, it is possible for lower relief elevations to 
reduce or exclude the loss due to the shadows of the relief 
masks by the change of imaging altitude. Altitude of the 
aircraft H, variations in the relief elevation, imaging 
distance d define the width of the shadow S, 
S=d(h/(H-h)), (1) 
where h -elevation, d - obstacle distance. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 511 

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