Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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p. 53- 
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Yunhan Dong!, Bruce Forster! and Anthony Milne? 
School of Geomatic Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia 
Telephone: +61 2 9385 4209, +61 2 9385 4172, Facsimile: +61 2 9313 7493 
Email: y.dong@unsw.edu.au, b.forster@unsw.edu.au 
20ffice of Postgraduate Studies, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia 
Telephone: +61 2 9385 2731, Facsimile: +61 2 9385 3733, Email: t.milne@unsw.edu.au 
ISPRS, Budapest 1998 
Commission VII, Working Group 6 
KEY WORDS: Radar Images, Segmentation, Classification, Markov Random Field Model. 
Classification of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on the information provided by individual 
pixels cannot generally give satisfactory results because the images are highly speckled due to coherent 
processing. In order to obtain reliable and accurate results, the classification must be based on the 
statistics of clusters rather than individual pixels. This paper approaches SAR image classification via 
two steps: 1) to segment an image into uniform areas (clusters); and 2) to classify the segmented clusters. 
Since the classification is based on the segmented imagery, segments (a group of uniform pixels) provide 
reliable statistics such as mean, standard deviation and texture characteristics. It can, therefore, be 
expected that the accuracy of the classification is greatly improved. 
Since spaceborne SAR systems became opera- 
tional, there have been demands for classifying 
and monitoring geophysical parameters both lo- 
cally and globally using remtely sensed SAR im- 
age data. Excellent work has been done on clas- 
sifications using SAR images for both natural 
and built targets (Van Zyl 1989, Freeman and 
Durden 1992, Pierce et al 1994, Dobson et al 
1995, 1996, Touzi et al 1992, Nezry et al 1996, 
Dong et al 1996). However, the classification of 
SAR images based on the information provided 
by individual pixels cannot generally give sat- 
isfactory results because the images are highly 
speckled due to coherent processing. In order to 
increase the accuracy of classification, Pierce et 
al (1994) used information averaged from multi- 
pixels (2 x 2 pixels, for example), whereas Dob- 
son et al (1996) performed segmentation before 
classification. Segmentation segments an image 
into disjoined regions corresponding to objects, 
or parts of objects that differ from their sur- 
roundings, and thus enables further classification 
to be performed based on the information pro- 
*This work was supported by the Australian Research 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
vided by clusters rather than individual pixels. 
Various methods for image segmentation have 
been developed based on textures, statistical val- 
ues, such as the mean and the standard deviation 
and covariances (Lee and Jurkevich 1989, Rig- 
. not and Chellappa 1992, Serpico and Roli 1995, 
Baraldi and Parmiggiani 1996, Derin et al 1990, 
and Geman and Geman 1984). The Gaussian 
Markov random field model (GMRF) has been 
studied extensively and shown to be an accu- 
rate compact representation for a range of im- 
ages (Panjwani and Healey 1995). Segmentation 
using the GMRF model segments objects based 
on the region information of up to the second 
order statistics and the spatial relationships. In 
other words, the GMRF model considers two re- 
gions to be different if one or more than one of 
the following conditions is true: 
e The first order statistics (the means for a 
single channel image or the mean vectors 
for a multi-channel image) are different; 
* The second order statistics (the variances 
for a single channel image or the covariance 
matrices for a multi-channel image) are dif- 

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