Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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(Figs. 2, 3): 
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Processed interferograms (Figs. 2, 3) show the presence of 
ellipsoid-shaped differential fringes which can be interpreted as 
the effect of mining subsidence. The phenomena are located in 
two areas: in the north — the vicinity of Bytom city and in the 
south — between Katowice and Ruda Slaska. Spatial distribution 
of the detected surface changes well correspond to the active 
mining zones at that time. The detailed analysis shows that the 
locations and shape of the fringes can be directly related to the 
surface changes above the mining work faces. 
In the Bytom area in many locations 2 or 4 fringes are visible 
(the subsidence of ca 6 to 12 cm during 35-days). Such amount 
of changes can be explained by reactivation of old abandoned 
works in the cap of mining panel. This area was in the past a 
centre of zinc and lead ores mining which caused weakening 
and fracturing of the overburden. 
In the area between Katowice and Ruda Slaska 
to 6 cm per 35-days) have been noted. 
ing surface changes 
during October 1992 (04 Oct — 08 Nov). White lines are coal 
mine lease zones 
Fig. 2: Differential interferogram show 
At each step of InSAR differential processing problems may 
occur. To overcome them one needs quite some experience and 
pay attention, consider some critical items, as listed hereafter: 
Atmospheric effects: local variations in atmospheric properties 
lead to differences in the path lengths between the two antenna 
positions and the target area and giving rise to spurious phase 
variations which are superimposed to the phase variations 
resulting from the target area (Tayre & Massonnet 1994, 1996). 
Only the comparison of a series of interferograms from the 
same area can prove that no influence of atmospheric artifacts is 
present. In our case the phase changes caused by atmospheric 
effects are generally of greater extent than subsidence effect and 
can be easily recognized. The processing of 3 interferograms 
from subsequent 35-days can help to exclude all type of 
artifacts as they would occur only in one of the three 
interferograms. For final conclusions a comparison with mining 
data and with meteorological data is still needed. 
Temporal decorrelation: excessive large time intervals 
between acquisitions of SAR scenes can result in a reduction of 
coherence preventing the generation of interferograms due to a 
temporal variation in backscattering properties of the target area 
(FAO/ESA, 1993, Pratti et al., 1994) . The temporal separation 
between the data in this project was 35 and 70 days. Some of 
the couples were also acquired during different season. All 35- 
day interferograms are characterized by good coherence in 
urbanised areas. The coherence in arable areas is variable and 
depends on the season. In all cases of 35-day interval the 
coherence in agricultural regions was acceptable for 
interferogram processing. However the 70 days interferograms 
have lower coherence. A clear seasonal dependence have been 
also observed. 
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Fig. 3: Differential interferogram showing surface changes 
during September 1993 (03 Sept — 08 Oct). White lines are coal 
mine lease zones 
DEM co-registration: couples of data with baselines higher 
than 50 m usually need topographic effect removal. This 
procedure is based on the co-registration of a differential 
interferogram with a DEM and a subsequent extraction of the 
topographic effects (the fringes due to topography). The result 
may depend on the precision of co-registration with external 
DEM. An error in DEM co-registration can make differential 
detection impossible. In our case data with perpendicular 
baseline less than 100 m were used; it means that one full fringe 
is generated by topographic height difference of ca. 81 m. It is 
important to consider the relief differences in area investigated. 
In our case they are less than 150 m, therefore the topographic 
effects caused by the relative long baseline are within one 
fringe. Thus, such effects can be easly removed, even by means 
of a coarse DEM. 
For verifications different 35-days interferograms were 
processed with the same reference image, but with different 
baseline values: they show no influence on differential fringes 
proving the consistency of the method. 
Co-registration with mining data: the coal mining panels are 
usually relatively small. The mining front of the panel is 
usually ca 200 long (ca 10 pixels on the interferoram), so that 
the error in co-registration larger than 4 to 5 pixels is 
unacceptable. The mining maps are usually in specific co- 
ordinate system of no standard projections and spheroid. The 
comparisons of such different data require large number of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 557 

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