Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

ground control points derived from topographic maps or from 
GPS measurements. In many cases the detailed analysis is 
possible only for relatively small area. 
Preliminary results of presented work show clearly that 
subsidence in the Upper Silesian mining area can be detected 
and measured using interferometric processing of ERS SAR 
The 35-day interferograms present a pattern of the fringes 
which can be interpreted as the changes caused by the mining 
subsidence. The spatial distribution and amount of the fringes 
well corresponds with location and extension of the active 
mining zones. During 35-day interval observations the 
displacement of 1-4 fringes (i.e. 3 to 12 cm) was detected. This 
value well corresponds with mining. data and geodetic 
measurements (Kwiatek 1997). The detailed interpretation and 
the comparison with ground measurements are currently done. 
The comparison of interferograms from different years (1992, 
1993) .shows that: 
- Surface changes during 35-day are similar: 1 to 3 
- The locations of the areas affected by changes are well 
corresponding with active mining zones and follow 
mining fronts. 
- On interferograms from different years were observed 
the shift in location, difference in shape and in value of 
changes (number of the fringes). 
For a continuation of this study a proposal for the 3rd 
announcement of opportunity for exploitation of ERS data has 
been submitted. The new projéct aims to provide long-time 
monitoring of surface changes in Upper Silesian Coal Mining 
Region using SAR interferometry in conjunction with mining 
activity data. The scope of this project is to bring InSAR 
towards to operational application. 
The author gratefully acknowledge the European Space Agency 
and European Space Research Institute for supporting and 
sponsoring this research and supplying the ERS SAR data and 
inerferometric software. The special sincere thanks to dr. Juerg 
Lichtenegger for his constant encouragement, supervision and 
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558 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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