Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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agricultural field (101149102), 3. urban area (7284-3641), 
4. water (69844194), 5. forest, stem volume under 100 
m°/ha (83442504), 6. forest, stem volume 100 - 200 m°/ha 
(2124213) and forest, stem volume over 200 m/ha 
The first six ERS-1 images were taken during summer 
and autumn conditions (snow-free and unfrozen soil). 
Temporal variations of backscattering coefficient in these 
images are caused by the changes in the vegetation 
cover or changes in the vegetation and soil moisture. 
Ground freezing happened in the end of November, so in 
the December and early January frozen ground was 
covered by thin layer of dry snow. In the mid-January, 
there was a short warm period (temperature over 0 C^, 
raining water) and snow falls in the late January. There 
were no significant snow falls after that. 
One JERS image was taken during winter (image 15) 
and another during late spring (image 16). There was a 
few days cold period (temperature below 0 C?) and a 
little snowfall prior taking winter JERS-image, so it can 
be assumed that ground was frozen and covered with 
very thin layer of snow. There was about three weeks 
warm period with rain, fall of snow or wet snow prior 
taking late spring JERS-image. So, it can be assumed 
that snow was melting increasing snow water equivalent 
in spring image, and it is possible that ground was 
atleast partly snow-free. 
Radarsar images (images 17 to 20 in the table 1) were 
taken within 2.5 month period, the first one in mid- 
November and the latest end of January. Ground was 
snow-free and unfrozen in the image 17. There was 
snowfall when the image 18 was taken, but ground was 
unfrozen. In the early December there were cold period 
with snowfall, so ground freezing happened during that 
Classes mire, agncultural field, urban area and water 
T T T 
Backscattenng coefficient (dB) 
i 1 i 
Number of image 
Figure 1: Backscattering coefficients of classes 
mire (solid line), agricultural field (dotted line), 
urban area (dash-dot line) and water (dashed 
time. Warmed period (temperature over zero) followed in 
the mid-December. During January, there were few 
snowfalls and some warm days, but weather was getting 
colder with small snowfall just prior taking the image 
Backscattering coefficients of different classes were 
computed from ERS-1 and Jers-images. The seasonal 
variations of backscattering coefficients of different 
classes are represented in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 
represents classes mire (solid line), agricultural field 
(dotted line), urban area (dash-dot line) and water 
(dashed line), and figure 2 represents classes forest stem 
volume under 100 m/ha (solid line), forest stem volume 
101 - 200 m/ha (dotted line), forest stem volume over 201 
m/ha (dash-dot line), and water (dashed line) is included 
for comparison. Generally the mean backscatter of 
classes is higher during summer than winter, except 
water. Also, the temporal variations of the mean 
backscatter are higher during summer and autumn than 
during winter. Variations of class water are largest 
because, during summer the backscatter of ERS-1 
images is sensitive to wind conditions, and during winter 
it is sensitive to the aging of snow and the snow 
moisture. Backscatter from forest classes is lowest when 
ground is frozen and covered with thin layer of snow. 
Accumulation of new snow increases backscatter and 
aging of snow decreases it. Variations of forest classes 
increase according to the increase in stem volume. Also 
differences in backscatter between summer and winter 
increase with the stem volume. Deviations of forest 
classes decrease as stem volume increases. Differences 
in backscatter of mire and forest classes are largest 
during summer, otherwise backscatter behaves quite 
similar way. The backscatter from urban area does not 
vary much, it is almost undependent from season. 
Largest difference between backscatter from winter Jers 
and ERS-1 images is in class water, backscatter of water 
from Jers is much lower than from ERS-1. 
Forest classes and water 
T T 
Backscattering coefficient (dB) 
| i 
Number of image 
Figure 2: Backscattering coefficients of forest 
classes: vol. « 100 m?/ha (solid), 101 - 200 
m?/ha (dotted), » 201 m?/ha (dash-dot) and 
water (dashed). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 567 

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