may be frozen. Therefore also the
November and March maps must be
interpreted carefully. Hungary is
under the influence of a continental
climate and receives precipitation
mainly from air masses coming from the
North Atlantic. The comparison with
Figures 2 to 3 shows that over Hungary
precipitation is in general higher and
more evenly distributed over the year
than over the Iberian Peninsula and
Mali, which was to be expected. The
interannual comparison of the soil
moisture conditions in the period May
to August suggest that rainfall was
less abundant in 1992 and 1993 than in
1994 and 1995. Again. this trend is
also present in crop production
figures (In Hungary irrigation can be
regarded negligible and dry soil
conditions are thus of influence on
the production). Total cereal
production (mainly maize, wheat and
barley) was 9976000 tons in 1992,
8515000 tons. in 1993, 11710000 tons. in
1994, and... 11112000 tons in . 1995
(source: FAO).
The seasonal trend of soil moisture
conditions of three climatic zones as
depicted with the ERS Scatterometer
was analysed qualitatively. The
precipitation patterns - of the
considered climatic regions
(Mediterranean, wet-dry tropical, and
moist continental climate) are well
reflected in the remotely sensed soil
moisture maps. Also year to year
differences in soil moisture
conditions were analysed qualitatively
and contrasted with agricultural
Statistics. Similar trends could be
discerned. These results suggest that
the presented technique for retrieving
soil moisture from ERS Scatterometer
might be useful for climate change
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Technical Note No.1.98.05, Space
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
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