Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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3. Discussion 
The superposition of elevation, frequency of earthquakes 
and of mineral springs, the stress axes orientation and the 
bending of faults north of Marianske Lazne hints at either 
a pull apart process or at compressional sinistral 
transcurrent fault movements (Fig. 1 and 3 ). There, the 
several kilometer wide shear zone between the 
Marienbad and the Tachov fault is bended. Its sinistral 
shear sense results in a NE-SW extension north of 
The geological mapping revealed mostly ENE and NW to 
NNW faults. The satellite data (Landsat TM, ERS) show 
additionally many E-W up to ESE lineaments. It can be 
stated that the main faults (Marianske Lazne, Tachov) are 
cut in E-W direction by E-W elements which are of the 
youngest age. This is valid for the Marianske Lazne fault 
and its northern continuation between Marianske Lazne 
and Plauen. 
The authors suppose that the fluids trigger the 
earthquakes at those faults which are in an acute angle 
position to the main horizontal stress axis and which 
follow gravimetric flanks (Plaumann & Svancara, 1996) 
as it has been described from SW Germany (Schneider, 
1996). The remote sensing data were necessary for 
modelling the recent tectonic activities in one of the most 
active regions of Central Europe. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 585 

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