Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Ing The scale choice of a risk analysis assessment is given The regional scale is suitable for areas 500 - 2000 km?. 
by a purpose of analysis. The International Association The smallest terrain units are tens of hectares. The 
of Engineer-Geological Mapping (IEG) decided to medium scale is applicable for parts of districts, or for 
tel divide the analysis scale into following groups: big engineering structures. The large scale is suitable 
; for areas smaller than tens of square kilometers. 
d regional scale (« 1 : 100 000) Table 2 shows an overview of data important for a 
medium scale ( 1 : 25 000 - 1 : 100 000) relevant landslide risk assessment study. 
large scale (1 : 5 000 - 1 : 10 000). 
en mine | Table 2 
d years. 
's. Their data type 
| results geomorphology terrain map units 
types of geomorphological units 
or 1:10 recent landslides 
raphical passive landslides 
lence of topography digital elevation model 
ed from slope map 
slope direction maps 
| slope changes 
| concavity/convexity 
engineering geology lithology 
ange of | derived data (DEM e.g.) 
led into sample points 
faults, lineaments 
seismic events 
isolines of seismic intensity 
| land use present infrastructure 
d | previous infrastructure 
REOR present land use map 
TES WI previous land use map 
rmine cadastral data 
hydrology water streams 
ability catchment areas 
meteorological data 
infall water level 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 587 

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