The landslide risk assessment using GIS tools was
methodologically processed within one map sheet in 1 :
50 000 scale of the Czech cartographic system. This
map sheet covers an area which has been heavily
touched by various mining activities. The main activity
is represented by brown coal mines. The above
mentioned region is in the vicinity of Czech towns
Usti-upon-Elbe and Bílina. The northern boundary is
formed by the Erzgebirge Mountains.
Topographic maps in 1 : 50 000 scale, and 1 : 10 000
scale were used for digital elevation model (DEM)
creation. The geological map in 1 : 50 000 comprised
90 geological classes. The hydrogeological map
includes information about 16 hydrogeological classes,
the pedological map has a long list with pedological
units. The combination of all three types of data shows
a large variety of natural conditions. These three maps
in 1 : 50 000 scale were overlayed by the existing
landslide map which comprised both recent and passive
landslides from the Czech Geological Archive. It was
found that nearly 90 per cent of all landslides are
situated in tailings or recclamation morphological units
and very often in the vicinity of water basins or
Classes of these three groups were regrouped
according to newly attached weight values. The values
varied from 1 (no landslide susceptibility) to 4 (high
landslide susceptibility) for geological, pedological and
hydrogeological classes. The areas with highest
landslide susceptibility (value 11, 12) were chosen to
be studied in detail from the point view of slopes and
directions of slopes. The creation of a digital terrain
model showed to be very important for a relevant
landslide risk assessment analysis made in larger scale
than 1 : 50 000. The digital terrain model would have
excluded areas which, even with high landslide
susceptibility (>8) studied from geological maps are
stable due to slope conditions on one hand, and would
have stressed areas which are still untouched by
landslides, but with high landslide susceptibility (>7)
and of high landslide risk due to sloping on the other
The digital terrain model was created from 1 :
10 000 topographical maps and from a stereo pair of
aerial photos.
4.1 The reference DEM
The reference DEM with a very good spatial resolution
(the identical scale as the landslide changes) must be at
the disposal of users in a useful raster or vector form.
For the Czech Republic, a scale 1: 5000 - 10 000 is
considered as sufficient. A detailed DEM was created
in the past from the digital mapping in urban areas, but
it is necessary to create the DEM for other areas which
are endangered by landslides. It is carried out by by
means of digitalization of the existing topographic
maps. Elevation contours from 1 : 10 000 are
vectorized and stored to files of related types of data
A derivation of the DEM from the old
photogrammetric stereo images is another possibility of
the reference DEM creating. In this case, the DEM is
made by using a method of automatic image correlation
of floating image submatrices. It is used for the creating
of an orthophoto. Finally, the DEM of a selected area is
stored in a raster form for a more accurate GIS
4.2 The new DEM
The new DEM of a selected area can be created by
classical geodetical methods (tachymeter, total station)
588 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998