Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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by Péter Kardeván, marketing advisor, Károly Brezsnyánszky, 
Hungary, Hungarian Geological Survey), Hungary 
Commission VII, Working Group 7. 
director and László Róth, research associate (Geological Institute of 
KEY WORDS: airborne remote sensing, geo-sciences, geological applications, multi-disciplinary approach, data sharing, 
integration of RS and GIS, geo-spatial data clearinghouse, modernization 
The paper summarize the main concepts and principles of the national development program "Airborne Survey of Hungary" 
discussing them also from the point of view of the introduction of airborne remote sensing methods in the field of geology, 
geophysics and geochemistry in Hungary. Pertinent ideas have been elaborated and collected in the decision supporting report 
prepared for the Hungarian government under the title: *Airborne Survey of Hungary" with the coordination and support of the 
National Committee for Technological Development ( OMFB) and the Geological Institute of Hungary (MÁFD. 
The authors will discuss the role of the geological sciences in understanding and solving problems of environmental protection. 
The combination and integration of GIS based statistical data with those determining the actual state of environment (airborne or 
remote sensing images) moreover those characterizing the surface scenery and sub-surface region of the environmental processes 
(thematic geological, soil, etc. maps) will result in new marketable digital geo-spatial information products. As an application 
example of data sharing, the compilation of airborne geophysical data together with the geological data packages for purposes of 
mineral and oil exploration moreover for alternative utilization will be discussed. Examples for joint interpretation of satellite 
images and geophysical parameter maps will be shown as well. 
A proposal for airborne hyper-spectral multidisciplinary pilot project is mentioned for determining contamination from 
hydrocarbons, heavy metals, the heath conditions of vegetation 
mapping soil, and minerals. The need for the availability of hi 
, the canopy, the DEM, detecting minerals, chemicals, salts, 
gh quality data will be strongly emphasized as one of the main 
targets of governmental expenditures in these fields. The role of data mining and knowledge management will be mentioned as 
Efficient development of GIS databases calls for concerted actions of different sectors of the government. The framework of 
this is offered by the governmental propositions for the development of the geo-spatial data infrastructure. The authors will suggest 
the establishment of geo-spatial clearinghouse node in MAFI and the creation and dissemination of metadata standards for geo- 
databases accessible for Internet search engines. 
The subject of this paper is to give short review of the 
conceptional framework and purpose of the “Airborne Survey 
of Hungary” program, that is being prepared as part of the 
modernization program of the country, and summarized in 
the study prepared with the support and . The specific area 
under discussion is part of a wider range of activities for the 
development of geo-referenced and geo-spatial digital 
database services. 
On the one hand, the aerial survey program serves certainly 
as part of an over-all modernization approach, giving 
appropriate response to the challenges of the forthcoming 
information society and to the effects of the globalization in 
Hungary. Thus, it is part and parcel of the governmental 
program package under preparation comprising a series of 
projects for the development of GIS database services. 
Moreover it is a direct continuation of same efforts started 
already in 1992 (Bognar, 1998). Henceforth, its concepts and 
recommendations are closely related with those of the 
numerous white papers or blue books published on the issues 
of information society ( White House,1996; Japanese 
Telecommunications Council, 1994; The Council of the 
European Union; 1994; UNESCO, 1996; 
OECD,1996), that have been obviously taken into 
consideration when formulating the Hungarian strategy for the 
development of geo-spatial infrastructure. 
However, there are a lot of specific problems that 
characterize the small-sized CEC countries trying to fill in the 
gaps in the European and domestic levels of technology and 
social organization (Varga, 1998). Undoubtedly, the engine of 
all developments should be the strong wish of the governments 
and nations in Central- East Europe to access the EU. If, the 
Bangemann report emphasizes the pressing time to do 
measures for transition, how urgent the necessary actions are in 
these countries lagging behind in the competition with the EU 
countries in the last decades? 
On the other hand, the aerial survey program represents a 
possible response to the actual adaptation problems, that the 
geological survey institutions all have in common in Europe. 
Corresponding to the spirit of the study referred above, we 
use the term “aerial” in this paper in a broader sense, wishing 
to express the tendency, that both airborne and satellite-borne 
sensors are necessarily involved in such “Earth Observation” 
survey programs complementing mutually each other. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 595 

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