Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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In order to correct for the most significant aircraft motion 
effect, the roll was estimated using the navigation data to 
calculate lateral pixel shifts for each line. These shifts were 
then applied to the entire image cube on a line by line basis. 
In the next processing stage, surface reflectances were 
computed from calibrated at-sensor radiance data, 
compensating for atmospheric absorption and scattering 
effects. The procedure is based on a look-up table (LUT) 
approach with tunable breakpoints as described in Staenz and 
Williams (1997), to reduce significantly the number of 
radiative transfer (RT) code runs. MODTRAN3 was used in 
forward mode to generate the radiance LUTs, one of each for 
a 5% and 60% reflectance. These LUTs were produced for 
five pixel locations equally spaced across the swath, including 
nadir and swath edges, for a range of water vapour contents, 
and for single values of aerosol optical depth (horizontal 
visibility) and terrain elevation. The specification of these 
parameters and others required for input into the 
MODTRANS3 RT code are listed in Table 1. For the retrieval 
of the surface reflectance from the Altona cube, the LUT 
radiances were adjusted for the ground target's (pixel) 
position in the swath and the water vapour content using an n- 
dimensional bilinear interpolation (Press et al., 1992). For 
this purpose, the water vapour content was estimated on a per 
pixel-basis from the image cube with an iterative curve fitting 
technique (Staenz et al., 1997). For the Birtle data cube, the 
LUTs were only interpolated for the pixel position since a 
single water vapour amount was used for the entire cube. The 
surface reflectance p was then calculated for each pixel as 
" AsBsS(L-L)' (n 
where L is the at-sensor radiance provided by the image cube, 
L, is the radiance backscattered by the atmosphere, S is the 
spherical albedo of the atmosphere, and A and B are 
coefficients that depend on geometric and atmospheric 
conditions. The unknowns A, B, S, and L, were calculated 
from the equations 
L tL 554 514,2 2 
Er iro els Q) 
L.- tL dol 3 
pas ES a (3) 
where Lei is the at-sensor radiance reflected by the target and 
Lpi is the at-sensor radiance scattered into the path by the 
surrounding targets, respectively. These equations can be 
solved on a per pixel basis for each set of (p; , Lois and Li) 
obtained from the LUTs by interpolation for the different 
geometric and atmospheric conditions. With i- 1 and 2 (P ; 7 
3%, p, = 60%), this yields a system of four equations with 
four unknowns. 
In a last step, band-to-band errors due to atmospheric 
modelling and calibration effects in the retrieved surface 
reflectance spectra were removed using a Gaussian smoothing 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
with a 80 nm window between 820 nm and 1000 nm. A 
resulting reflectance spectrum of canola is shown in 
comparison with non-smoothed data in Figure 2. 
Table 1 
Input Parameters for MODTRAN3 Code Runs 
Test Site Altona Birtle 
Atmospheric model Mid-latitude Mid-latitude 
summer summer 
Aerosol model Continental Continental 
Date of overflight July 25, 1996 | July 25, 1996 
Solar zenith angle 31.39 49.7? 
Solar azimuth angle 155.9? 109.5? 
Sensor zenith angle Variable Variable 
Sensor azimuth angle Variable Variable 
Terrain elevation above 0.250 km. 0.540 km 
sea level 
Sensor altitude above 2.745 km 3.035 km 
sea level 
Water vapour content Variable 2.75 g/cm’ 
Ozone column as per model as per model 
CO» mixing ratio as per model as per model 
Horizontal visibility 40 km 30 km 
The LAI can be expressed as follows (Chen et al., 1991): 
LAI= ——, (4) 
where LAI, is the effective LAI and Q is the clumping index. 
Q varies between 0 and 1 for clumped canopies, but can be 
larger than 1 for regularly distributed foliage. For most row 
crops such as beans, Q is less than 1. For crops with more 
random plant distribution such as canola, Q approximates 1. 
Since Q is generally unknown, only LAI, can be calculated 
according to the following formula (Ross, 1981): 
LAL 7 352 (-mp),, (5) 
where P is the probability of a view line or a beam of radiation 
at an incident angle a passing through a horizontally uniform 
plant canopy with random leaf angular and spatial distribution 
and G is the mean projection coefficient of unit foliage area 
on a plane perpendicular to a. 
In order to estimate LAI, from hyperspectral data, G can be 
set to 0.5 for plants with leaf angle randomly distributed such 
as for agricultural crops (Norman, 1979). The incident angle 
a corresponds to the sensor viewing zenith angle. In our case, 
a was set to 0° (nadir looking), which was appropriate for the 
viewing angles under consideration (<15°). P represents the 
gap fraction, which was determined by spectral unmixing as 
P=1-f, (6) 
where f_ is the fraction of the crop endmember. LAI, can 
then be expressed from hyperspectral data according to 
equations (5) and (6) by 
at B s EEE 

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