Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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- Standardization of satellite-borne and airborne survey 
data, image- and map products of the GI- sector. 
- Creation of modern digital topographic database 
- Widespread creation of metadata for and auditing of 
the existing database systems and services, 
- the elaboration of a unified system of regulations 
and legal background of data services 
- establishment of organizations of interdisciplinary 
B.) Data acquisition projects 
- Digital ortophotos over the whole country. Initiated 
by the Mapping Agency of the Hungarian Defense Forces (MH 
TÉHI) as a self-contained project for cartographic purposes, 
and offered also for extended utilization as part of the airborne 
survey program. 
It is recommended to accomplish surveys within 
short period of time (e.g. 2-3 years at the maximum) as the 
high resolution colour photos can be used for purposes of 
environmental protection. It can be regarded as 0- 
environmental state of the country and subsequent monitoring - 
including satellite-borne data of less resolution - can be based 
on this airborne photos. Merging airphotos of high geometrical 
resolution with multi-channel (spectral) satellite images of less 
geometrical resolution is highly recommended. 
- Surveys with geophysical sensor. 
It is recommended that this survey will be 
structured, and implementation will be in line with the support 
activities of concession prospecting. (Brezsnyánszky-Füst- 
Kardeván-Nádor, 1998; Füst 1998) Data packages for oil and 
gas exploration or building material can be compiled and sold 
in conjunction with tenders for concession prospecting rights. 
The time scheduling and linkage of concession and airborne 
geophysical data acquisition activities is essential. The data 
acquisition project should be linked with state-of-the-art 
technology transfer especially in the field of interpretation. 
- Pilot project for the utilization of airborne hyper- 
spectral spectroscopy on thoroughly selected areas (Kardeván, 
It is recommended to use European Union Large 
Scale facility DAIS for hype-spectral data acquisition. The 
project should demonstrate multi-utilization of spectral data, 
and the benefits of data sharing. 
C.) Application projects. Based on Cost/Benefits analysis 
introduction of new technologies, development of training and 
education, application of established methods. 
The study Aerial Survey of Hungary (Kardevan, Bognar et 
al, 1998) comprises numerous suggestions for possible 
applications of the new airborne remote sensing techniques. 
Some examples are: 
- Remote sensing program for the establishment of 
Defensive Information System (initiated by the Mapping 
Agency of the Hungarian Defense Forces (MH TÉHI)). 
- Compilation of airborne geophysical data packages for 
supporting the concession prospecting activity in oil and gas 
exploration. (Initiated by the Geological Institute of Hungary 
- Monitoring of salt soil regions. (Initiated by the 
Research Institute for Soil and Agrochemistry (TAKI)) 
- Complex environmental assessment in the region of 
Mecsek Mountain. (Initiated by the Mecsek Ore Prospecting 
Company (MEV), the Regional Ofice of Baranya County of the 
Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the Regional Office 
Baranya County of the Directorate of Water Management, 
Geological Institute of Hungary (MÁFI)). 
- Protection of water resources. (Initiated by the 
Ministerial Commissioner for the Regional Development of 
Velence Lake Region) 
- Prevention of emergency situations in many cases 
(initiated by the authors of the Study Aerial Survey of 
Mentioned are here only the preparation within the frame 
of the activity of the GIS working group of MeH IKI. As an 
important step forward MÁFI is taking part in the pilot project 
for establishing standardized metadata services in the public 
administration at this starting phase (Sikolya, 1998b). 
Members of pilot project are those of the GIS working group of 
MeH IKI. The subject of the pilot project is among others 
testing of FGDC metadata standards (Federal Geographic Data 
Committee, US. Geological Survey (USGS.)), that will be 
soon the pre-standards of ISO. 
Through the professional links between the USGS. and 
MAFI a know-how transfer referring to the establishment and 
maintenance of geo-spatial clearinghouse node can be 
accomplished in the future according to plans. Due to the broad 
overlapping of CEN and ISO standards and the expectation of 
the convergence of several standards, MÁFI hopes to actively 
take part in the European Union' programs for GIS metadata 
services at an early phases through the acquisition of 
experiences with FGDC and CEN standards. Future MÁFI 
plans include joining Joint Research Institute's future FGDC 
clearinghouse gateway project. 
Bognár, V.,1998a. 3D information national project of the National Committee of the Technical Development. In: What the future 
is?. The National Committee for Technological Development, National Radio and Television Commission, HEA Institute for 
Strategic Studies, Budapest, pp.476-484. 
Bognar, V. 1998b. The manifestation of 3D information strategy in the development policy and action programs of the National 
Committee for Technological Developments (OMFB). Working document to the Session of the Committee of Geodetical Sciences 
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, December 15,1997. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 599 

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