Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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An Application of GIS Information and Remotely Sensed 
Data for Valley Areas 
Masaaki SHIKADA*,Junko YAMASHITA* , Shintaro GOTO*, Masaru SYOUDA** 
and Tokio IWATA** 
* Kanazawa Institute of Technology 
Nonoichi-machi Ishikawa 921-8501,JAPAN 
Tel: +81-76-294-6710 Fax:+81-76-294-6711 
E-mail shikada@neptune.kanazawa-it.ac.jp 
** Kokudo Kaihatsu Center CO.,LTD. 
Yatsukaho Matto City Ishikawa 924,Japan 
Tel: +81-76-275-8814 Fax:+81-76-275-8428 
E-mail t-iwata@kokudonet.co.jp 
KEY WORDS: GIS,Landslide,Soil saving 
dam,Digital map,Mountainous areas,valley 
We have already been conducted the environ- 
mental analysis of the valley areas with remote 
sensing data and thematic map data respectively. 
We especially focused the landslide in the moun- 
tainous areas on recent years.Estimation of land- 
slide areas , however, has been considered very 
difficult because the principal factor of landslide 
complexly relate with some phenomena. The first 
objective of this study is to find areas where land- 
slide may occur in the near future in valley areas 
by using satellite remote sensing data and the- 
matic map data related to landslide areas with 
GIS (Geographic Information system) tech- 
We considered that digitized thematic map 
data and digital map data for Geographical In- 
formation System (GIS) may greatly facilitate 
for assessment of regional valley environment. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
The second object is to make GIS system for 
evaluate the place where the soil saving dam is 
constructed. We have been conducted the pro- 
cedure mentioned above in the pilot area 
TSURUGI district where located south of 
Ishikawa prefecture in the central of Japan. These 
pilot areas are correspond to 4 sheets of 1/25000 
scale maps. As a result we developed the pilot 
system to estimate number of soil saving dam 
and suitable place for contraction. The system 
has ability to consider environmental conditions 
for soil saving dams. 
Many people who lives mountainous areas 
have been attacked by landslide , debris flow 
and other hazard every year in our country. 
We considered that remote sensing data com- 
bine thematic map data with Geographical In- 
formation System (GIS) may greatly facilitate 
for assessment and estimation of regional land- 
slide hazards and selection of suitable place where 
soil saving dam will contract. The ministry of 

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