Table 1 Used digital map data and thematic maps areas in the figure is pilot areas which corre-
Data format |Thematic map spond to four sheet of 1/25000 scale map about
Raster digital map data 25000(raster image) 20k :
: 2 m wide to 20km long.
Grid digital map data 50m mesh (altitude) 5
Vector dangerous areas for avalanche
dangerous areas {or steep slope 4. OUTLINE OF DEVELOPED SYSTEM
| dangerous valley for debris flow
| dangerous areas for landslide
Kexerve arcas for wild animals 4.1 Used thematic maps and digital map data
areas for city planning : = .
buried cultural properties Table.1 shows used thematic map and digital .
park etc Map Data. Digital map data 25000(raster image)
: : extract a river and bi
54 atributo, inout, into combine the component watershed from digital
database |
altitude data |
Y Y | I
add the ID to attribute base map input into computer
data maps made by own system ;
input into computer 1}
1 t
data map made by other system
input into computer r
add the ID to map data for b
connecting the data base
, v ‘
calculation of the mass of
display and undisplay Soil and estimation of number display of attribute access
of soil saving dam
x display and get ID make condition of
= undisplay el get data ID access by SQL
access of data * *
base by using ID access of data access of data
Y base by using ID base by query
get property for | p
the watershed
get data get data
Y No effi
| calculation of * |
| soil mass display
Yes error Yes
v i message
4d estimation of size
| and number of soil display on the display on the
saving dam map only the data map only the data
corresponded with corresponded with
the condition the condition |
SQL:Structured QueryLanguage
| Fig.3 Flow of pilot system | Fi
610 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998