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fi IE | 97° E 98° E 99° E
c Aa os [TTT i
97° E 98° E 99° E
MX faults | ™ thrust river
lata of the southern edge of the Gobi-Altay range (center coordinate: 44.5° N and 97.5° E). b) shows
red from a). No earthquake associated with faulting is known from this area but the Holocene activity
1 obvious. Refer to b) for the scale and coordinates of a).
'etation deci
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ER intrusives [+] bedatrace |*, faut Ns thrust. [ijOrylake BI lake
a) b)
Figure 7. a) KOSMOS Russian data showing active faults and various geomorphic features denoting neotectonism. The centre of the
image is rougly 43N, 101E and is situated at the border with China. b) represents the interpretation derived from a). Refer to b) for
the scale and coordinates of a).
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 621