Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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purposes it is allowed to subdivide further any of level-3 elements of 
the nomenclature. E.g. two level-4 categories were used in Ireland to 
characterise pastures (2.3.1) of different quality (O'Sullivan, 1992). 
Similarly, two different types of inland marshes (4.1.1) and peat 
bogs (4.1.2) were defined in Estonia (Aaviksoo, 1997) The 
European database however includes only level-3 categories. 
Special features of the nomenclature are the categories of 
"Heterogeneous agricultural areas". They are formed by objects, (e.g. 
plots of arable land, areas of natural vegetation, etc.) which alone 
would be smaller than the minimum mapping unit (25 hectares). E.g. 
category 2.4.2 have béen introduced to characterise mixed 
agricultural areas: mixtures of any two of the following cover types: 
arable land, pastures, vineyards, fruit trees and berry plantations. 
Class 2.43 is to characterise agricultural areas with significant 
amount of natural formations (e.g. patches of forests, areas of scrub, 
grasslands, wetlands or water bodies). These are very useful tools to 
characterise a heterogeneous landscape at scale 1:100.000. 
Standard CORINE Land Cover data are especially useful at 
European level. To satisfy regional or local needs better, more details 
are needed both in terms of geometry as well as in thematic content. 
Several initiatives exist to extend CORINE Land Cover 
methodology into working scale of 1:50.000 and even 1:20.000 
(ETC/LC, 1997b). In the frames of the Phare programme an 
experimental project has been executed at scale of 1:50.000 for 120 
map sheets in four countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and 
Slovak Republic. It was possible to use 4 hectares as minimum 
mapping unit using integrated SPOT PAN and Landsat TM data. 
International team of experts has extended the standard 
nomenclature with level-4 classes representing the landscape 
conditions of the above four countries (Feranec et al, 1995). The 
number of level 4 classes was about twice of level 3 ones. 
The experimental project proved the possibility of CORINE Land 
Cover mapping at larger scale. One of the ongoing activities of 
PTL/LC is to extend further the level-4 nomenclature including all 
Phare countries. New version of the CORINE Land Cover 
nomenclature at scale 1:50 000 for Phare countries has been finished 
in May 1998 in the framework of PTL/LC activities. This 
nomenclature includes 104 land cover classes and could be a base of 
an all-European level-4 nomenclature. Main benefits of the extended 
nomenclature and the 4 hectare minimum mapping unit compared to 
the standard CORINE Land Cover mapping are: 
e much more thematic detail in the "artificial surfaces" group, 
which has the strongest impact on the environment, 
e agricultural categories support better agrostatistics and the 
needs of habitat mapping, 
e more discrimination in forests and semi-natural vegetation and 
in wetlands, which are important for nature conservation and 
biotope mapping, 
e decreased percentage of heterogeneous agricultural classes, 
because of using smaller minimum mapping unit. 
Updating is a central question of any databases including 
features, which change in time. CORINE Land Cover database 
can fulfil its aims only if the database is updated regularly. The 
proposed average updating frequency of CORINE Land Cover 
database is 10 years. This doesn’t mean that changes can not be 
faster in certain areas (e.g. urbanization). Having land cover data 
for more than one date, one has a possibility to analyze land 
cover changes and to make predictions for the future. 
4.1 Updating 
CORINE Land Cover mapping is a human labour intensive 
methodology, requiring skilled photointerpreters. Because of the 
nature of nomenclature and the rules if interpretation, updating 
also can not be automatic. Due to the fact however, that land 
cover changes are generally slow, there is no need to repeat the 
interpretation in the course of updating, only to recognise 
changes what have happened from one date to the other. Having 
a proper computer support, this process is evident for a 
photointerpreter, familiar with the CORINE methodology. 
Therefore updating is significantly cheaper than producing the 
basic database. 
The updating process is based on the computer-assisted photo- 
interpretation (CAPI) technology, with simultaneous use of the 
basic CORINE Land Cover map, the corresponding satellite 
image map, and the new satellite image map. Most important 
features of the necessary CAPI software are: raster background 
handling capabilities, geographically linked multi-window 
environment, ability to edit different databases in different 
windows, building up and checking of the database topology and 
general image processing capabilities. In addition to several 
commercial GIS/IP processing software that supports this list, 
JRC has developed the Co-Pilot (CORINE Photo-Interpretation 
Land Cover Oriented Tool) software, which includes additional, 
specific CORINE related features (Perdigao and Annoni, 1997). 
The updating procedure usually reveals errors in the original 
database that first should be corrected, in order to avoid detection 
of false changes (PTL/LC, 1998; Biittner et al., 1998) 
4.2 Evaluation of changes 
Once we have produced the CORINE Land Cover database for 
dates T1 and T2, change detection is an automatic procedure. The 
change database includes polygons with attributes related to Ti 
and T2. The change database can be visualised by printing 
evolution maps and can be summarised using statistical tools. 
The evolution matrix (contingency table) is the most detailed 
statistical descriptor of summarised area changes between the 
two dates. Its diagonal elements represent areas of no change, 
while off-diagonal elements relate to area changes between T1 
and T». Having 44 level-3 categories, the maximum size of 
evolution matrix is 44*44. (In the practice the evolution matrix 
includes lots of Os, because of impossible transitions between 
several category pairs). Summary statistics for Ti and T», area 
change for each category and total change can be derived from 
the evolution matrix. 
There are some other useful indicators of changes (ETC/LC, 
e The normalised relative area change answers the question: 
which are the classes with the largest area increase or 
decrease per year? 
e The relative occurrence change answers the question: which 
are the most dynamic classes relative to their original 
frequency of occurrences? 
e The relative updating frequency (the ratio of the proportion 
of modifications and the proportion of area of a given class) 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 637 

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