Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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SAR data collection we could use only a limited number of 
test sites. These sites were chosen in open areas close to 
access roads. Each test site consisted of one or two 60m 
to 120m long base lines. Snow parameter data were 
obtained at 6m intervals along the base lines to coincide 
with the ground resolution element of the CCRS SAR. 
The SWE determination through RADAR should be based 
on calibrated SAR data. To facilitate absolute calibration, 
corner reflectors were manufactured to precise 
specifications and were deployed in the field before the 
SAR flights. Two sets of two reflectors (one for the X and 
one for the C band) were placed in locations corresponding 
to 30° and 60° incidence angles in the field. 
On the advice of CCRS scientists, we chose a regression 
analysis design such that the SWE of ground observations 
were correlated with single band, multi-band, and multi- 
temporal un-calibrated and calibrated SAR data. 
Airborne SAR 
The snow free data were collected on October 30, 1990 
after the freeze-up with less than 10cm snow cover. This 
flight provided X and C band data with both HH and VV 
polarizations (Figure 1). The maximum snow cover data 
were acquired on March 20, 1991. At this time, however, 
only the C band SAR was available, but with polarizations 
of HH, HV, VH, and VV). The 30° and 60° incidence angle 
coverage required the use of the SAR in ‘nadir and ‘narrow’ 
modes respectively. 
Ground Data Collection 
Since the SAR mission was carried out on the afternoon 
after a snow storm, the ground data collection could not be 
started until the next day. In total 13 different sites were 
extensively surveyed. In each site one or two parallel lines 
were laid out and at 6m intervals The snow depth, density, 
and SWE were measured or determined. In addition one 
or two snow pits were dug along each test line and the 
following data collected in the pit: number, thickness, 
temperature, snow density, crystal structure, hardness, and 
grain size of each snow layer. All works were extensively 
documented with ground and large scale aerial 
photographs and with video recording. In October 1991 the 
test sites were revisited and detailed field work was 
performed to obtain information on the surface covered 
previously by snow. 
Digital data and analogue (pictorial) outputs for each flight 
line were provided by CCRS. In addition absolute 
calibration functions were worked out by CCRS scientists 
using the RADAR returns from the deployed comer 
Ground Data 
The raw field snow measurements in each station of all test 
lines were converted into SWE and plotted over a sketch of 
the underlying ground cover types. We had a very good 
distribution of SWE within and between test lines (Table 1). 
The snow depth should be over 20cm to have an effect on 
the SAR return. In our case this varied between 31 and 
138cm. The calculated SWE values had a range of 7 to 
38cm with averages of 12.9 to 26.9cm of individual test 
lines. The snow pit dat were analyzed for snow layer 
structure determination. A typical pit cross section is 
illustrated in Figure 2. All 22 pits had at least 3 distinct 
snow layers. Thirty two percent had four and only one pit 
had five layers. The mean thickness of the three main 
layers from the bottom to the surface was 22, 25, and 24cm 
respectively. In the layer closest to the ground the snow 
temperature showed the least variation with an average of 
-1.5°C. The temperature of the upper most layer was very 
close to the ambient temperature. The SWE variation was 
minimal in the layer closest to the substrate and highest in 
the next layer with variations further decreasing in the 
newer snow on the top of the profile. 
SAR Data 
Based on flight recordings the incidence angles for each 
test site were calculated (Table 2, Caines, 1991). An in- 
house computer program was written to read, display, and 
dump the digital data provided by CCRS. This program 
involved a pictorial display of the image from which the 
areas of the test sites could be chosen for dumping of the 
digital data. Another program was prepared to carry out the 
conversion of digital numbers (DN) to ‘power’ and average 
RADAR cross section (0,) for a selected sub sample. A 
third program provided the averaging of 9 neighboring pixel 
values (3 by 3 kernel). 
SAR Data Correlation with Ground Data 
The ground survey gave detailed information on snow 
distribution (depth, density, SWE) and on the underlying 
ground cover (soil, rock, ice, vegetation type). The SAR 
data should be correlated with all of the snow parameters, 
the underlying surface conditions and with the incidence 
angle and polarization of the RADAR. 
The C-band SAR return from snow covered areas is made 
up of volume scatter from the snow and of return from the 
snow-soil interface, with the incidence angle being the most 
important factor affecting the strength of the signal. Since 
the test sites in this study were selected after the ground 
was covered with snow, in most cases we did not have 
uniform underlying soil surfaces. In order to obtain all of the 
required SAR data (two different modes and polarizations), 
the aircraft needed four passes each during the fall and 
winter data acquisitions. Table 2 shows that the incidence 
angles for a particular test site varied significantly. Another 
problem encountered was finding the exact location of the 
test lines on the various SAR imagery. 
Results of simple regression analysis between raw and 
filtered SAR digital data and ground SWE values indicate 
that the C-band SAR alone cannot reliably predict the SWE 
value of snow pack (low correlation coefficient). Although 
the regression line has a positive slope, the individual 
observations are widely scattered around it. This scatter is 
due not only to the variation of the snow properties and of 
the ground surface coverage under the snow, but also to 
the inherent 'speckle' of the SAR even over uniform 
surfaces. To obtain more precise results, the averaging of 
more pixels is required. However, this would require a 
more detailed observation of SWE on the ground as it also 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 663 

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