Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

different soil objects as a function of the thematic finalities 
previously set. A cartographic synthesis attended by 
computer permits the development thereafter the so-called 
vegetation map at a 1 : 50,000 scale. The cartographic units 
reattach the geomorphologic following systems (see table 2): 
: the mountain (summit, mountain side etc.), 
: the quaternary glacis of erosion, 
: the zones of adjustment between these two systems, 
: the endoreic zones and ouady . 
The vegetation of the studied region can be split in two big 
types of characteristic groupings some steppics zones : 
e forest Grouping: 
the grouping of Pinus Halepensis 
the grouping of Juniperus Phoenicca 
e steppics Groupings: 
the grouping of Stipa Tenacissima 
the grouping of Artemisia Herba Alba 
the grouping of Noaca Mucronata 
4.1.Forest groupings. 
4.1.1.Grouping of Pinus Halepensis. 
The grouping of Pinus Halepensis occur in the mountainous 
zones and the reliefs generally in a privileged manner. We 
essentially find then on the summit of the mountains (Es- 
Serdj, Fernane etc.) with a sub-humid climate-, among the 
most characteristic species, one could mention: 
Pinus Halepensis, Quercus Ilex, Juniperus Phenicea. 
Pistacia  Lentiscus (for the ligneous high stratus) 
Rosmarinus Officinalis, Globularia  Alypum. | Cistus 
Libanotis ( for the ligneous bass stratus). Stipa 
Tenacissima, Lygeum spartum. Ampelodesma 
Mauritanicum ( for the herbaceous stratus). 
4.1.2.Grouping of Juniperus Phoenicea. 
The raised matorrals of Juniperus Phoenicea localize 
exceeding 1200 m on altitude, these groupings have some 
rates of important covers ( from 40 to 60%). 
4.2. steppics Groupings 
4.2.1.Grouping of Stipa Tenacissima 
The grouping of Stipa Tenacissima, little demanding on the 
edaphic plan, prefere the zones well drained because thev 
don't support in a easily flood terrain. One finds them in 
several zones. The Stipa tenacissima grouping are separate 
manncer in three classes: 
e the grouping « of stipa tenacissima of plains or pure» and 
are met on the piemonts of Djebel Tenia (Kouibat) And 
Djebel Grouz 
e the grouping fairly degraded, « sub-forests» (of 
Djebel.Es-Serdj, Djebel.Fernane, And Djebel.Grouz etc.). 
or "of plains". 
e the groupings of the" degraded steppes" (at Djebel 
Boudenzir, Chiha, Seuguia, Romimina. .etc.). 
4.2.2.Grouping of Artemisia Herba Alba 
The grouping of Artemisia Herba Alba localized especially in 
the zones of accumulation or of alluvial deposit, thev are 
little frequent. One finds them essentially at Guirara 
(piemont of Dj. Es-Serd)) at Chiha, And at Ain Abissi etc. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
4.2.3.Grouping of Noaea Mucronata 
These groupings are present in all the zone of survey, it 
features some zones of very degraded steppes. One finds 
them especially at the Grouz mountain, Seuguia, Romimina 
The methodological adopted approach in this present work 
a) setting up data base on ground plotting done from the 09 
stations (see figure 5) previously chosen to leave 
enhanced color composite from TM channels of Landsat. 
it was in the same way for the places which compose the 
stations (3 to 5 by station) : 
b) using these stations of observations: characterized bv a 
hundred of parameters (géomorphologic. pédologic; 
ground cover: rate of recovery; phytomass for Stipa 
tenacissima); like zone of training for the cartographic 
generalization made on the images « Thematic Mapper» 
on the whole of the perimeter of survey : 
c) reconciling betwen some scales of middle perception (1 : 
50.000) and small (1 : 200,000). The first corresponds to 
the plan of ground plotting, whereas the second 
corresponds to the cartographic restitution scale. 
On the thematic plan, a detailed survey some surfaces of 
different cartographic units of the Ain Rich zone (146.1078 
ha) show the tendency of the deterioration of landscape: 
a) the forests groupings (dense and clear forests) represent 
49.78% of covering plant and translates the wealth of the 
Daira of Djebel Messaad in forests species, 
b) the groupings sub-forests (raised matorrals) represents 
only 7.87% of covering plant and translates the result of 
an human action vigorously determining, 
c) the pathways of Alfa represents only 2.63 % of the 
surface of the region, whereas near a quarter of the total 
surface (22.2%) 1s occupied by some steppes degraded of 
Stipa Tenacissima and Artemisia Herba Alba. However, 
the facies of the steppes degraded of Noaea Mucronata, 
Stipa Parviflora and Stipa Tenacissima which is not in 
fact, that some steppes of weak recovery without big 
pastoral interest, takes care 16.7% of the total surface. 
The promising results obtained must be well attended for an 
assessment of the cartography by remote sensing by the slant 
of a multiplication of the ground plotting and of an increase 
of the frequency of observation of the stations. The periods 
of observations must be carefully chosen and in adequacy 
with the date of acquirement of the remote sensing data. The 
utilization of the NOAA type/ AVHRR data of acquirement 
over a decade or those that will be acquired by the sensors 
embarked bv the Earth Observing System (launching due in 
1998 having a frequencv of image taking of 02 davs) and 
SPOT vegetation, per one svnthetic assessment is to foresee. 

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