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Table 1 : presentation of the observation ground stations
Vegetation unit Nb of the . localisation
| station
| Steppe of alfa SEUGUIA ( kouibate )
| pure 1 Stipa Tenacissima grouping
| degraded Steppes of alfa AIN ABISSI mountain
| 2 Stipa Tenacissima and Artemisia Herba Alba groupings
| degraded Matorral BOU DENZIR mountain
| 3 Pinus Halepensis, Juniperus Phoenicea and Stipa Tenacissima groupings
| raised Matorral Mountain side of TSGNA(ZERGA)
| 4 Juniperus Phoenicea and Stipa Tenacissima groupings
degraded Steppe of SEUGUIA zone
alfa and chamephyte 5 Stipa Tenacissima, Noaea Mucronata and Helianthemum Virgatum groupings
degraded Steppe of CHIHA zone
| alfa and Artemisia Herba 8 Stipa Tenacissima and Artemisia Herba Alba grouping
| Alba
dense Forest of Pinus OUZINA (Romimina) mountain
Halepensis 9 Pinus Halepensis, Juniperus phoenicea and Stipa Tenacissima grouping
degraded Steppe of Noaea GROUZE zone
Mucronata 10 Noaea Mucronata, Helianthemum Virgatum and Stipa Tenacissima grouping
clear Forest (dégraded ) of TEBAGA (seugia) zone
PinUS Halepensis 11 Pinus halepensis and Juniperus phoenicea grouping
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998