Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

The analysis of the resulting image of the ratio in TM4 (1993) 
and TM4(1984) led to the following relation : 
Objects with unchangeable reflectance have a value close to 1; 
Objects with significant change have a ratio different from 1. 
Two thresholds of change Tmin and Tmax Were determined on 
the histogram of the ratio image using mean digital number of 
some objects with significant change between the dates of 
acquisition. Hence, the area of change was extracted regarding 
the following relation : 
- values comprised between the DNmin and Tmin represent 
objects with decreasing reflectance. Values comprised between 
the Tmax and DNpax -represent objects with increasing 
- non change area is represented by values comprised between 
Tmin and T max- 
3.2.1. Results 
According to the thresholds of change and the relation given 
above, a forest change image corresponding to TM4 band was 
obtained (see figure below). 
It is however necessary to find out a relationship between 
reflectance change and ground truth. 
Figure. change detection map 
175200 180900 384900 
GR decrmaced vaties 
mcreased vabies 
C non-change area 
The adopted model takes into account the topographic features 
of each pixel. However, slope and aspect maps were used. The 
estimation of the coefficients of the linear regression led to 
atmospherically comparable images. Then a ratio between the 
corrected images was calculated to find out significant change 
of each pixel. 
The change map obtained, therefore, allowed us to localise the 
change occurred in the study area. However, this was not 
sufficient enough to say that the change really happened unless 
it is confirmed by ground truth. This study constitute a topic of 
further research. 
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678 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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