(5) in the counties not completely occupied
by the LUMZ, the part that is closest to
Lisboa is connected by the LUMZ,
the remaining part of the
county is
characterised by a large number of small
and scattered UMZs.
For a detailed characterisation of the UMZs
of AGL in 1984 we present Table 2. The most
important characteristics of the 1984 UMZs
are the following:
in 1984 there are 182 UMZs;
the area of two whole
Lisboa and Oeiras,
UMZ, the LUMZ;
89% of the Amadora county belongs to
UMZs, and this county has a low number
of UMZs;
a: little bit more -than half of- the
Cascais county belongs to UMZs, but the
number of UMZs is relatively large (11
UMZs) ;
in three counties, Loures, Sintra and
V.F.: de Xira, less than 40 $ of. the
county belongs to UMZs. These counties
are also characterised by a large number
of UMZs.
counties, i.e.
belong to a single
Table 2. Characteristics of the 1984 UMZs
of AGL.
County Percentage of the | Number of
county area UMZs
occupied by UMZs
V.F. de 1352 35
Loures 39.9 52
Sintra 2755 79
Amadora 89.2 3
Lisboa 100 1
Cascais 62.2 11
Oeiras 100 1
For a detailed characterisation of the UMZs
of AGL in 1995 we present Table 3. The most
important characteristics of the 1995 UMZs
are the following:
in 1995 there are 274 UMZs;
the area of three whole counties, i.e.
Lisboa, Oeiras and Amadora, belong to a
single UMZ, the LUMZ;
most of the Cascais county (71%) belong
to. UMZs, but. the. number. of .UMZ is
relatively large (19 UMZs);
in three counties, Loures, Sintra and
V.F. de. Xira, less than 50 % of the
county belongs to UMZs. These counties
are also characterised by a large number
of UMZs.
Table 3. Characteristics of the 1995 UMZs
of AGL.
County Percentage of Number of
the county area UMZs
occupied by UMZs
V.F. de 15 62
Loures 47 70
Sintra 34 120
Amadora 100 1
Lisboa 100 1
Cascais 71 19
Oeiras 100 1
A comparison of the UMZs for 1984 and for
1995 reveals a difference on the area of
the AGL occupied by UMZs and on the number
of UMZs, namely:
the area of the UMZs increased, because
many rural areas in 1984 become built-up
areas in 1995;
the number of UMZs increased from 1984
to 1995, revealing new built-up areas
that are not connected to the ones that
already existed in 1984.
should say that this increase may be
overestimated because of the methodology
used for
However, one
generating the binary mask
urban/rural. In both years, we used as
reference the urban/rural mask from
1997, which was generated by an
automatic procedure. The 1991
rural/urban mask was then updated, by
to generate the 1984 and
1995 masks by overlaying the 1991 mask
over the 1984 and 1995 satellite images.
In the generation of the 1984 mask, many
small urban areas were removed from the
mask because
visual means,
could not be
most of the small
urban areas in 1991 were maintained to
1995. For this reason, the number of
UMZs may be overestimated in 1995;
many areas that became built-up in 1995
were located between different UMZs in
1984. As a consequence, distinct UMZs in
1984 were aggregated and became a single
UMZ in 1995.
identified. However,
relation to the UMZs expansion from 1984
1995, at a county level, it is important
point out the following:
the LUMZ expanded greatly from 1984 to
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
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