Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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The InSAR procedure implemented by the authors 
includes the following steps [Crippa et al. 1998]: 
1) acquisition of an interferometric image pair; 
2) precise image registration; 
3) calculation and filtering of the interferogram; 
4) unwrapping of the interferometric phase; 
5) sensor parameter calibration and DEM generation 
(i.e. transformation from phases to heights and 
geocoding of the DEM). 
Phase unwrapping remains the most complex problem 
of the entire procedure; it greatly influences the qual- 
ity of the generated DEM. The last step, and in par- 
ticular the sensor parameter calibration (based on 
GCPs, Ground Control Points), is very important to 
get the final INSAR product (i.e. the geocoded regular 
grid of 3D points) and hence to assess its quality. 
2.1.1 Characteristics of InSAR DEMs 
The InSAR technique can generate DEMs of good 
quality (i.e. high spatial resolution, e.g. 30 m mesh 
size, and good accuracy), assumed at least a medium- 
high coherence (e.g. bigger than 0.5) over the entire 
interferogram and gentle terrain variations within the 
covered areas. 
Dealing with more complex topography or with low 
coherence, many problems arise. In fact, the slant 
range nature of the SAR data implies big distortion 
effects (foreshortening, layover and shadowing) when 
mountainous and hilly terrain is imaged. Where fore- 
shortening and layover occur, the interferometric 
phase signal is under-sampled, producing aliased 
phase differences between adjacent pixels. If in the 
phase unwrapping the lines of aliasing (called ghost- 
lines) are not properly detected, the unwrapping 
(based on phase difference integration) generates 
aliasing errors (multiple of 2x). These errors degrade 
the DEM quality (e.g. with a baseline of 150 m, an 
aliasing of 2x in the phase results in about 50 m 
height error in the generated DEM ). 
Changes in the terrain surface during the two image 
acquisitions can cause low coherence in the inter- 
ferometric pair; low coherence (e.g. less than 0.1) 
means bad phase quality and can engender many 
problems for the phase unwrapping. In such areas the 
DEM quality is degraded. 
In the following, an example of InSAR generated 
DEM is shown. The Polytechnic of Milan is involved 
in an European Union Concerted-Action called OR- 
FEAS (Optical-Radar sensor Fusion for Environ- 
mental ApplicationS), including several European 
research groups (University of Thessaloniki, Carto- 
graphic Institute of Catalunya, ETH Zurich, Technical 
University of Graz and Polytechnic of Milan). An 
interesting data set, covering south Catalunya - Spain, 
(ascending and descending ERS-1 SAR images, 
SPOT images, orthophotos, reference DTM, land-use 
map, etc.), is available for ORFEAS participants. All 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
the results presented in this paper have been obtained 
through the ORFEAS data set. 
Two ascending ERS-1 sub-images (1500 pixels in 
range by 5000 pixels in azimuth) with a baseline 
length of about 160 m have been processed. The 
mean coherence over the entire (filtered) interfero- 
gram equals 0.57 (i.e. the interferometric phase qual- 
ity is globally quite good). The generated DEM (30 m 
mesh size) covers an area of about 35x25 km?. The 
maximal height difference is approximately 1120 m. 
Comparing the InSAR DEM with the reference one 
(coming from aerial photogrammetry with a RMS 
error of about 1 m) gives: 
Mean error =0.9m 
Standard deviation = 18.8 m 
Maximal abs. error =230.1m 
In the error map (i.e. the map of the height differences 
between the generated and the reference DEMs, see 
figure 1) are clearly visible the areas where big height 
errors occur. These are mainly mountainous areas 
where the phase unwrapping fails, originating aliasing 
2.2 SPOT stereoscopy 
The stereoscopy based on optical images is a well- 
established technique to generate DEMs. It is em- 
ployed operationally both with aerial images (aerial 
photogrammetry) and remote sensing images (e.g. 
SPOT images) This kind of DEM generation is 
highly automated; see, for instance, [Chen and Rau 
1993]. The homologous points are matched using 
image correlation techniques. The human operator 
performs only the measure of GCPs. 
The quality of the SPOT generated DEMs is not 
strongly dependent on the terrain topography (the 
InSAR DEM quality, on the contrary, depends very 
much on the topography). 
A SPOT derived DEM generated at the Institute of 
Geodesy and Photogrammetry - Zurich Institute of 
Technology (Switzerland) has been processed. 
The original data coming from Zurich consist of a 
regular grid of 3D points generated with the Helava 
Digital Photogrammetric Workstation (DPW) 770; to 
each point the DWP 770 assigns a quality factor. 
According to this factor, the unreliable points have 
been eliminated. Using the same interpolator and the 
same grid of InSAR (see previous paragraph), the 
generated SPOT grid has been compared with the 
reference one: 
Mean error = 10m 
Standard deviation = 12.2m 
Maximal abs. error =367.5m 
The DEM is not biased. The error distribution does 
not present systematic errors. 

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