E + 80 m
co -50m Im +50m
[31-90m [B Om
Figure 2: DEM (InSAR and SPOT data fusion) versus reference DEM: map of the height differences.
The error map is shown in figure 2. The accuracy of
this DEM is much better than the one of the InSAR
DEM (especially in mountainous areas). On the con-
trary, it is very similar to the one of the SPOT DEM.
It is important to notice that only a portion of the
SPOT stereo pair has been used for the data fusion.
Clouds cover other portions of the same pair: for
these areas the data fusion would be actually effective
to improve the accuracy and the completeness of the
generated DEM.
3. Data Fusion for Land Use Classification
The potential of multi-temporal SAR amplitude im-
ages for Land Use Classification and agricultural crop
mapping has been investigated in the last years at the
Olsztyn University (Kurczynski and Mr6z 1998).
The classification procedure has been recently ex-
tended to optical and interferometric SAR data. The
very first results, presented in this paper, have been
obtained fusing an amplitude SAR image, a coher-
ence image and a SPOT panchromatic image in order
to perform the Land Use Classification over the same
test area used for the DEM generation. All the used
data belong to the ORFEAS data set.
The data set (3 layers) used for the classification is
rather poor. Up to now, the work has been mainly
focused on the procedure to fuse the InSAR and
SPOT data that involves the geocoding of the images.
The classification results should improve sensibly
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
using more layers (e.g. time-series of coherence im-
ages, multi-spectral SPOT images, etc.).
In next paragraphs, the data used for the classification
are briefly described; the classification procedure is
explained and, finally, the results are analysed.
3.1 Description of the Input Data
The Land Use Classification procedure implemented
by the authors is based on two complex SAR images
and a panchromatic SPOT images. The complex SAR
images have been used to estimate the interferometric
correlation (coherence) and the backscatter amplitude
of one of the two images.
Assessing the applicability of multi-source data syn-
ergy, the creation of data sets in a common ground
reference system has to be performed. The geocoding
can be defined as the procedure to convert data from
the imaging geometry into a map projection.
A large number of people in Remote Sensing still
perform geocoding using very simple transformation
functions (e.g. polynomial, kriging, etc.), not consid-
ering the effects related to the terrain relief. Very
often this simplified procedure has a big impact on
the data fusion and feature extraction, because the
resulting errors create many ‘mixed pixels’ in the
radiometry of the composite image, thus generating
wrong information or artefacts which do not corre-
spond to the physical realities. An accurate geocoding
requires a precise and robust geometric processing