geographically and ecologically detached territorial sites. Each
such site consists from characteristic for it of a set of
associations. The description of sites is represented in a kind of a
set of records, each of which includes: the geographical name,
gidrologic characteristic of a site, list of associations and areas
occupied by them. The descriptions received thus will form a
database for the subsequent machine processing. Acceptance of
the decision about a fitting of that or other site To the particular
such type WVLC is made automatically on maximum significance of
| sites function of a fitting for the decision by the program VRLK of all
| and | equations.
so to
The described technique and program were tested on a example
of classification of sites water vegetation and
sites, definition(determination) of quality of a water in mouth zone of
a site Chernobyl nuclear station (river Pripiat). On a data space scater
heory images, executed by sputnik Spot on August 23 1995 year in
0 any three spectral ranges, expert was allocated within the limits of a
.. Just researched region 31 sites water vegetation and in view of ground
alyze | supervision the description included in them of associations is
f the | executed. The results interpretation were used as the source
1at or information for classification with the help of the developed
f any | program allocated of vegetable sites for the types WVLC. As a
eless" | result of calculations the researched sites were referred to 12
on is types WVLC. On distribution the last in mouth zone of the river
ws in qualitative valuation of a chemical structure of a water was
each given. As have shown conducted researches, the developed
VLC, program VRLK a "river - reservoir, "coast -reservoir under the
>ction information, received with the help of space images and
LC is subsequent exstrapolation of ground supervision can be applied
ig. In for valuation of a ecological condition ecotones of a type. Such
> the approach by use integrated informative of parameters water
y cof vegetation opens new opportunities for revealing of the general
icture tendencies of changes, occurring in water ecosystems and can
ll as make the basis complex them monitoring at a qualitatively new
f the level.
| Literature:
| Bukata R.P., Jerome J.H., Bruton J.E. et al. Optical water
rious quality model of lake Ontario. 1. Determination of
ast 1s : the optical cross sections of organic and inorganic
ise of particulates in lake Ontario //Appl.Opt.-1981.- v20.-
1S on | No9.-P.1696-1703
In a | Papastergiadou E. and Babalonas D. The relationships between
on of hydrochemical environmental factors and the aquatic
ünant macro-phytic vegetation in stagnant and slow flowing
t. As | waters. 1. Water quality and distribution of aquatic
rious | associations. //Arch.Hydrobiol./Suppl. 90
two- | (Monographische Beitrage), 4, 475-491 Stuttgart,
ne of August 1993, p. 475-489.
F the
out 3 |
nbers |
t Sil |
irst a
ut 1s
f the
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 707