Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

800 1200 
1600 (m) 
Fig-7 Elevation of the study area 
seriously-deteriorated areas are concentrated around 
the top of the mountain and they extend along the 
ridge, and that the moderately-deteriorated areas are 
dotted in a wide area around the summit of the 
mountain in the top of the ridge and the slope. 
And the relationship between the deterioration and 
topographical conditions, such as elevations, slope 
gradient, and aspects, are also clarified statistically. 
First, slope gradient and slope aspects were calculated 
referring to the method by Nogami (1995) from 
neighboring grids by DEM. The distribution of the 
topographical conditions of the study area is shown in 
Fig-7 - 9. And, Fig-10 - 12 depicted the relationship 
between the deterioration and topographical 
From Fig-10, it become clear that seriously- 
deteriorated areas is concentrated over 1500m a.s.l. 
and moderately-deteriorated areas is widely 
distributed over 1000m a.s.l.. 
Moreover, from Fig-11, it can be recognised that 
moderately-deteriorated areas and areas without 
deterioration are distributed in the slope with the 
gradient of 40° ,while seriously-deteriorated areas is 
distributed in gentle slope areas of 20° - 30° 
From Fig-12, it can be found that about 70% of 
seriously-deteriorated areas are facing south directions 
and 20% are facing south direction and 20% east 
direction. It can be concluded that the deterioration are 
Fig-8 Slope gradient of the study area 
os 9^, 
Ho Ur mn 
Fig-9 Slope aspects of the study area 
remarkable in the south - the southeastern slope. But, 
there is a room of a more detailed examination because 
it has the possibility that a difference in brightness by 
the slope direction of the air photograph influences the 
interpretation accuracy. 
716 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998

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