Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Lyalko V.I. Sakhatsky A.I., Hodorovsky A.J., Shportjuk Z.M., Sibirtseva O.N. 
Center of the Aerospace Research of the Earth, NAS, Ukraine, Kiev, 
Marek K.-H., Oppitz S. 
Remote Sensing Center, UVE, Germany, Potsdam 
In order to assess sustainable development of Chernobyl disaster area, it 1s necessary systematic control of environmental state using 
multispectral satellites imagery method for operative monitoring of large area with minimum financing and without risk for observers 
health. The approach of works includes: * intercalibration multi-temporal Landsat TM and SPOT images; * landscapes classification; 
* revealing of regression dependencies between spectral characteristics of vegetation and radioactive pollution level; * modelling of 
energy-mass exchange in geosystem on the basis of remote sensing and ground data. It was indicated that the increasing of radioactive 
pollution level cause the changing of the spectral response both in visible and in mid-infrared portion of the spectrum. The carried out 
environment monitoring allow to observe the regularity of changes of the different landscapes since 1984 (before disaster) until 1995 
year. The same approach can be used for assessment of influence of heavy metals, herbicides and others toxicants on environment. 
KEY WORDS: Monitoring, Chernobyl disaster, multitemporal data, modelling. 
As a result of Chernobyl disaster the large area have been 
polluted by different radionuclides and heavy metals. The 
radionuclides and others toxicants fell down located in vegetation 
or moved throughout the high permeable zones to underground 
water and polluted them. The toxicants come to human body by 
food chains from vegetation or with underground water intake. 
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out control of environmemt in 
monitoring mode taking into account that the pollution of the 
area 1s stipulated for long-live radionuclides with period of half 
decay not less then 30 years. Multispectral satellites high 
resolution imagery is the only method for operative monitoring of 
vegetation within large area with minimum of financing. The use 
of space images data of past years allows to carry out 
investigations retrospectively. It is impossible to do using any 
other method. The multiband space survey is rapidly improved. 
Every year the quantity of countries, which launched satellites, 
increase and the apparatus became more perfect with more high 
resolution and quantity of spectral channels. 
The use of chemical analysis for indication of radionuclides and 
other toxicants content leads to significant expenditures of 
financing and time interval to take samples and to analyse ones. 
So, it is obstacle to do observations operatively. 
On the other hand, the transfer of radionuclides from soils to 
vegetation depend on many factors. The spectral brightness of 
vegetation characterize the direct total soil toxicants influence on 
vegetation state - content of chlorophyll in leaves, moisture in 
vegetation and so on. The ground truth observations is also 
necessary but restrictively within the test sites for determination 
of relations between spectral characteristics of vegetation and 
content of toxicants in soil. It is well known that the processes 
leads to the natural changes of environment is the processes of 
energy-mass exchange in geosystems, in fact. Therefore, the 
proposed approach for ecological monitoring of Chernobyl 
disaster area consist of three principal blocks: 
- the estimation of vegetation state using multiband 
multitemporal space images; 
- the acquisition and processing of ground-truth and satellite 
data using GIS technology; 
- energy-mass exchange modelling in geosystems. 
The results of the investigations will be base for decision 
The objectives of the investigation is to set up a monitoring 
system of Chernobyl] NPP disaster area using multiband 
multitemporal satelitte images. The ChNPP is situated in the 
North of Kiev district, Ukraine, approximately 130 km to north- 
west of the city of Kiev. It is a landscapes of fluvioglacial and 
alluvial plains. The moraine-fluvioglacial deposits form the 
upper layer of the relief with altitude of 140-150 im. The south 
and west edge of the region is a low moraine-fluviaglacial plain 
with altitude 120-130 m, increasing towards the west. Bog 
depressions are usual for this region. There are sites of locked 
surface outflow and partly they are not drained at all. Alluvial 
valley is connected with the Pripjat river. The forest covers 
approximately 3596 the area, mainly pines but also mixed with 
deciduous trees. The un-drained agriculture land takes about 30% 
of the area, and meadows and bogs about 2096. Drained 
agriculture fields occupy about 10% of the territory. After the 
accident in 1986 year the significant changes are observed within 
this area. The fields transform to long-fallow lands. The 
agricultural plants are replaced with wild shrubs and grass. The 
leaved settlements are covered with wild vegetation. In the same 
time there are many new man made objects - roads, damps etc. 
The sod sandy loam soils, sod-podzolic soils and peat-march 
soils are usual for this area. Concerning the geology structure, the 
area is situated on the north-east slope of the Ukrainian shield at 
the boundary of  Dniprovsko-Donetsk depression within the 
limits of the Braginsko-Chernigovskiy jut which separates the 
Pripjatskiy depression from the Dniprovsko-Donetsk depression. 
The structure of the region is determined by in great number 
different oriented fracture zones. They were formed in the Pre- 
Cambrium. The crystalline basement of the region is overlaid by 
sediments of Mesozoic and Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary 
age. The Quaternary sediments (from Lower Quaternary to 
recent sediments) consist of bogs and of glacial, limnic, eolian, 
726 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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