Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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integral impact of toxicants on the spectral brightness of 
vegetation in the years from 1986 to 1995. 
The largest and most intense area of contamination was found 
around Chernobyl NPP. It is the starting point for three maximal 
of the first order, consisting of local minimal and maximal for 
radionuclide concentration. Their location is determined by the 
relief maxima for radionuclide concentration. Their location is 
determined by the relief structure. The maximum value to the 
south of Chernobyl NPP coincides with the well-known southern 
trace of the accident. Elevated radionuclide concentrations are 
associated with the valleys of the largest rivers, with the northern 
edges of forests and local elevations in the relief. Lower 
concentrations are typical of southern slopes of watersheds and 
southern edges of forests, and form large local depressions in the 
relief. The highest contamination, which coincides with the 
valley of the River Pripyat, reveals a very small fluctuation range 
in the concentration of Cs-137, probably due to the absence of 
barriers preventing the transport of radionuclides by the wind. 
The spatial distribution patterns of radionuclides shown on the 
map accord with those established from ground-based 
investigation data, which suggests that the map is a true 
representation of the actual situation. — The greatest threat is 
posed by zones with elevated infiltration in water-bearing 
horizons in depressed parts of the relief. These are the places 
where secondary radionuclide contamination of soils, water and 
deposits on the beds of enclosed waterbodies is concentrated. A 
particular danger is associated when such places coincide with 
active fracture zones with elevated downward vertical filtration 
of underground water. These conditions are generally found 
around the perimeter of ring structures. 
2.8 — 
2.4 — 
2.0 — 
1.6 — 
4.2 —] 
es v T Y T , T Y 1 
500 soo 700 800 900 
A, nm 
Figure 1. Approximation of Landsat TM data: 
where R - relative spectral reflectance; 
A - wave length; 
initial data of spectral reflectance; 
— - approximated curve using Chebyshev 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
dR/dA * 0.01 
1.0 — 1 
? | 
0.0 — | 
7 | 
„1.0 — | 
4 | 
— |<— 
-2.0 Ly e Ho uA S me £1 
500 eoo 700 800 900 
A, nm 
Figure 2. Spectral shift (dL) of red edge position (REP) 
of first derivative curve: 
1. — first derivative curve of spectral reflectance for 
soil contamination 5 Ci/sq.km; 
2. --- theone for soil contamination 25 Ci/sq.km 
2.4. Modelling of toxicants migration in geosystems 
The modelling of energy-mass exchange in geosystems, based on 
a generalization of methods for the numerical solution of 
filtration, heat exchange and mass exchange equations provides a 
applicable means for the quantitative evaluation of processes 
occurring in the depths and associated with the movement by 
convective and molecular diffusion of components of complex 
natural solutions in rocks. One of the main tasks which can be 
accomplished in this way is an evaluation of water exchange 
intensity in natural water-bearing systems and the forecasting of 
contamination dispersion in underground waters a view to 
preventive measures. 
The migration of toxicants in the aeration zone and the upper 
hydrodynamic zone of the Earth's crust, it will be recalled, can be 
described by equations from mathematical physics which, in 
general terms, may be represented by the formulae (2, 3) for 
corresponding boundary conditions: 
Div (k grad H) * w = b dh/dt; (2) 
Mass exchange: 
Div(Di grad Ci) - div (C V) = n dc/dt + dN/dt (3) 
where t - time; H - water pressure; Ci, Ni - concentration of i- 
component in fluid and solid phase; k - coefficient of filtration of 
water-bearing rocks; Di - coefficient of substance dispersion; w - 
internal source of fluid; b - compressibility capacity of water- 
bearing rocks, V - vector of water movement velocity, n - active 

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