Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

The modelling of energy-mass exchange, it will be recalled, is 
conventionally subdivided into several stages. The first stage is to 
provide a schematic map of the area under investigation, to 
determine the configuration and boundary conditions for models 
of the natural environment. The second stage is to draw up a 
computation pattern and to establish direct and reverse energy- 
mass exchange problems. The third stage is to interpret the 
results obtained as a basis for decision-making. 
The complexity of each stage is due, as a rule, to a shortage of 
data, which are traditionally obtained by point observations (bore 
holes, wells, individual sampling points on the Earth's surface, 
etc.). During the modelling process it is essential to employ 
generalized integrals to describe the characteristics of specific 
components of the model. For this 
purpose, we need a sufficient volume of data for each component 
in the model. This is not realistic using the existing traditional 
method. Regularisation methods used in reverse modelling 
operations help to solve problem only in part, usually leaving a 
considerable measure of uncertainty in the parameters used, and 
consequently also in the calculated forecasts. Practice shows that 
the uneven distribution of point data in spatial and temporal 
terms is a particular problem, so that researchers are often 
compelled models which subjectively interpolate or extrapolate 
the data available. 
The use of remote sensing data makes hydrogeological modelling 
more efficient. At the stage where natural conditions are mapped, 
data are used from aerial and satellite images in the microwave 
. and IR bands, which allows alimentation and discharge zones of 
underground waters to be identified and contoured, the ground 
flow height (H) to be identified for areas where the groundwater 
level is not deep, the infiltration input (W) level to be evaluated 
for specific homogeneous areas, usually on the basis of 
formalized resolutions for any point on the surface of the Earth. 
The experiments performed show that multispectral aerial and 
satellite images allow us to identify homogeneous landscape 
zones and the level of underground waters and also to pinpoint 
areas with an elevated contaminant (C) concentration of soils and 
vegetation (for example, with radionuclides). By combining 
structural deciphering of various remote sensing materials with 
data obtained from ground-based geophysical sampling, lines are 
revealed which are associated with the distribution of tectonic 
zones. These in turn determine zones with an elevated filtration 
porosity of 
rocks, especially in the vertical direction. 
This method currently being used in full for the area affected by 
the Chernobyl disaster. 
A methodology and a set of programs have been developed for 
ecological monitoring using multispectral satellite images: 
- approaches have been developed which allow comparable 
results to be obtained from images produced by different 
equipment at different times and in different weather conditions; 
- an analysis of change in the radioecological situation in the 
Chernobyl NPP zone from 1984 to 1995 showed; 
- the station had noticeable impact on the ecological situation in 
the area even before the accident; 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
- radionuclides originating from human activity had the greatest 
impact on pine forests, a lesser influence on deciduous forests 
and a still lesser impact on grasslands; 
- the impact of the accident's consequences on pine forests is 
still manifest today; over a period of 10 years from the time of the 
accident the environment has been gradually cleansed of 
radionuclide contamination, but the background radiation level 
has increased noticeably at the same time; 
- even low concentrations of less than 10 Ci/km Cs-137 in the 
soil have a noticeable influence on the spectral reflectance 
brightness of vegetation and can be seen on multispectral satellite 
images . 
The use of remote sensing materials allows expenditure on 
radioecological studies to be cut by dozens of times since the 
volume of ground-based work is reduced, this work can be better 
targeted and large areas can be covered whenever the need arises. 
A reliable model of energy mass exchange in geosystems must 
incorporate data obtained by remote sensing of the Earth. This 
permits a more dependable evaluation of hydrogeological 
peculiarities and a forecast of the development of the ecological 
situation as a basis for well-founded administrative decisions. 
The methods developed for processing multispectral satellite 
images can be applied to an objective evaluation of the impact of 
the Chernobyl disaster on the ecological situation at any point in 
time, both in Ukraine and other European countries, to establish 
the impact on the atmosphere of NPPs, places of storage of 
radioactive waste, thermal power stations and other man-made 
Chernobyl disaster . Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1995, 560 p. 
Collins W., Chang S.B. Raines G. et. al. Airborne biogeophisical 
mapping of Biddan Minaral Deposits // Econ. Geol. - 1983, n 18, 
(4) p. 734 -749. Horler B. et. al. The red edge of plant leaf 
reflectance. Int. J. Remote Sens. 1983, 4 - p, 273 - 283. 
Demetriades-Shah T.E., Steven A.D., Clark J.A. High Resolution 
Derivative spectra in Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. Environ. 
1990, n 33 (1) p. 55 - 64. 
Baret F., Jacquemoud S., Guyot G and Leprieur C. Modeled 
Analysis of the Biophisical Nature of Spectral Shifts and 
Comparison with Information Content of Broad Bands. Rem. 
Sens. of Environment, 1992, v. 41, 
N 213, p.133-142. 
Lyalko V.L et al. Aerospace methods in geoecology. Kiev, 
Naukova dumka 1992. 206 p. (in Russian) 
Sportjuk Z.M., Lyalko V.L, Pyanilo Ya.D., Sibirtseva O.N., 
Pyanilo T.M. Spectral methods of processing and analysis of 
information in Remote Sensing of vegetation . Lviv, 1993, 53 p. 
(in Ukrainian). 
Lyalko V.L, Djary V. Yu, Sakhatsky A.L, Hodorovsky A. J., 
Woolfson L.D. Shportjuk Z.M., Sibirtseva O.N. Marek 
K.-H., Oppitz S., Gimel’farb G.L, Ilieva V. “Estimation of 
Heavy Metal and Radionuclide Contamination of the 
Soils and vegetation within the Chernobyl Danger Zone 
Using Remote sensing Data”. Proceedings. of the XYIII th 
Congress of the International Society for Photogrametry and 
Remote Sensing, Vienna, Austria, vol. XXXI, part B7, 
Commission  YII. pp. 454 - 459. 1996. 
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