Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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Eng. Calin-Daniel NITU 
Research Agency for Military Techniques & Technologies, 
Minister of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania 
Prof. dr. eng. Florea ZAVOIANU 
Faculty of Geodesy, 
Technical University for Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania 
The integration of remote sensing data in Geographic Information Systems offers the chance to significantly improve the knowledge and 
understanding of global processes on the Earth. The new and more advanced satellite system currently under development or already 
in orbit will produce huge amounts of valuable data 
Capacity of the software developed into the VIRGOS project, project co-financed by European Commission in order to finalize an 
European Geographic Information System able to handle in the same time vector and raster data, and to provide easy access to 
different users at this data, will launch this system, among others, on a market in continue development 
For implementation of this system it was established a consortium composed by Matra Systemes & Information (MS&I)- France, 
responsible with the core of the system based on Multiscope software for raster data (satellite images and scanned photogrammetric 
images), Geometria GIS House (Geometria) - Hungary, which included in the system the TopoLogic software for vector data handling, 
Academy of Science - Belarus Republic (ASBR), which included in the system a Vectorisation algorithm, and Military Topographic 
Department (DTM) — Romania, which tested the system prototype, by a study case regarding monitorisation of urban and sub-urban 
areas of Bucharest city 
In this paper it will be presented some results of the study case 
L'intégration des données de télédétection dans les Systémes d'Information Géographique offrent la chance du 
perfectionnement significatif des connaissances et la compréhension des transformation globales de la Terre. Les nouveaux systémes 
satellitales avancés en cours de développment on qui sont dija sur l'orbite, produiront une immense quantité de données importantes 
La capacité du logiciel développé dans le cadre du project VIRGOS, co-financé par la Commision Européenne afin de 
finaliser le Système d'information Géographique Européen capable de gérer en ménu temps des donnüs vecteuriclles et raster et de 
permettre un accés facileà des defferents utilisatens de ces dannées, lancera ce systéme sur une marché en continu développement. 
Afin d'implementé ce systeme à été créé un consortium européen formé de Matra Systemes & Information (MSA&!) - France, 
coordonnateur du project qui a fourni le noqau du systém-le Inqgiciel Multiscope. Geometria GIS House (Geometria) de Honarie, qui a 
fourni le logiciel Topofogic qui gére des donnus vecteuriclles et raster, l'Academie des Sciences de la Republique Belarus 
(A S BR ), qui a fourni /e module de conversion de donnüs raster binaires en données vecteurielles et la Diréction Topographique 
Militaire (D T M ) de Romanie, qui a testé le prototype du systeme dans un étude de cas concernant la poursuivre d'évolution d'une 
zone urbane du municipe Bucarest 
Dans cet article on va prisenter qvelqnes résultats de cet étude de cas 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Urban area, Vector, Raster 
The objectives of VIRGOS, in the frame of current 
research and development project, were to investigate the 
concepts, to design the algorithms and to implement an 
experimental version of an integrated system. This 
integrated system based on the currently available 
1.1 VIRGOS an European project 
In 1994, European Union (EU) launched a research- 
development program, named COPERNICUS, for 
supporting the European companies in development of 
new information systems, and for improvement of the 
existing one. This program is co-financed by European 
Commission (CEC). 
Inside this frame, in 1995, started the VIRGOS project 
(Vector and Image integration for Remote Sensing and 
Geographic Information Systems), under name COP94 
1.2 Objectives of VIRGOS project 
Spatial information systems of the previous period usually 
could be assigned to two different groups, raster 
orientated ones, and vector oriented ones. 
technology had to unify the image processing and vector 
management facilities of the original base systems. 
1.3 Architecture of the system 
The VIRGOS system is built up by integrating the two 
parent systems, Multiscope and TopoLogic, and is 
organized as a set of co-operating sequential processes, 
server and client processes. These processes 
communicated with each other via messages transferred 
by a socket mechanism. These processes are: 
a. Multiscope central environment: it controls the system 
and is a modified standard Mulfiscope process by 
adding specific action for activation of TopoLogic and 
Vectorisation processes; 
b. Image visualization: it is a Multiscope standard 
process able to display both raster and vector data, 
and is client of one Visualization server; 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 731 

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