Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Figure 3. 
Comparison of derived heights using MRL-5 radar in Budapest and satellite data 
"m Radar mes.: 1998 m e Satellite 
February 25 11h 33mn UTC m Rad. Max 
4000 - A Rad. Avg 
3500 - = 
~~ + + 
3000 | Ë 9 mne T 
2500 4 Ë 
2000 d p [| A 
S + + m e. 
1500 d 
1000 tí 3 AU a e 
500 ites Nigh 3 
0 + t t t t t t t t t t t 
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 
Satellite pixels along the radar measurement direction 
Figure 4. Comparison of derived heights using MRL-5 radar in Napkor and satellite data 
6000 7 
Radar mes.: 1998 April 09 12h 01mn 
5800 + + 
UTC + 
5600 E 
A + + 
5400 4 € + + + + + 
5200 . = = = F s 
m @ 
5000 | E A d» 4 B uas g = 
4800 | 2 A 
4600 | 2° e Satellite 
4400 | = m Rad. Max 
4200 . A Rad. Avg 
4000 : ; « : : : : + ‘ i 
1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 
Satellite pixels along the radar measurement direction 
Figure 5. 
Comparison of derived heights using MRL-5 radar in Farkasfa and satellite data 
6000 4 
5000 - 
3000 4 
1000 + 
Height (m) 
+ Radar mes. :1998 April 08 11h 51mn UTC 
+ + € 
9 29.09: 
e Satellite 
m Rad. Max 
A Rad. Avg 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 --11-— 12, 13 
2 d. + 
a A. a a V 4 
v v v v v T LI v v 
Satellite pixels along the radar measurement direction 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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