Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Florea Zavoianu - Faculty of Geodesy, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, ROMANIA 
Cälin Nifu - Military Topographic Department, ROMANIA 
KEY WORDS: 3D-Urban Model, Database, Change Detection, SIG, SIT 3D. 
The paper presents the main principles concerning data bases referring to urban areas in view of storage, processing and 
efficiently and quickly analyzing the effects of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires etc.) using satellite 
images, aerial photograms as well as large scale video images. 3D reference model is achieved for a defined area before disaster 
and post-disaster. The models are based an a topographic data structure, which incorporate topological information, obteined by 
stereoscopic exploitation of aerial photograms, information completed with data acquired from large scale topographic planes 
digitization. The principle of detecting significant changes by comparing 3D models constructed before and post-disaster are also 
Dans ce travail sont presentés les principes d'organisation des bases de données, sur la zone urbaine, en vue de stocker, traiter 
et analyser en mode efficace, rapide et précise des effets dues au désastres natureles (tremblements de terre, inondations , 
incendies etc.) en utilisant les images satellitaires, photographies aeriennes de même que les images video à grande échelle. Un 
model 3-D de référence est construit, pour une zone urbaine bien définie, fondé sur une structure de données 
topographiques et l ‘informations topologiques, obtenue par l'exploitation stéréoscopique de photographies aeriennes compléts 
avec les données obtenues par digitisation des plans topographiques à grande échelle. Sont déscrites de même les principes de 
detection des changements significatifes obtenues par comparaison aux medèls 3-D construites avant et post désastres. 
The monitoring and evaluation of natural disaster 
(earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires) and the consequences 
on urban areas is a complex problem that need the analysis of 
a large volume of data of different types and accuracies. 
A technical and economic data basis must be conceived for 
the complex analysis of the data. They can stand as a support 
for administrative decision making. 
The analysis that could be done must consist of different 
detailing levels according to the level at which decision is 
imposed. Homogeneous data sources for large areas and the 
possibility of rapid efficient and precise selection must be 
used, in order to organize a Geographic Information System 
(GIS) for large surfaces aiming to identify areas with major 
changes in which the third dimension is the time and the 
obtaining of a detailed analysis of 3D model in which the 
fourth dimension is time. The analyze of urban areas 
performed is a complex problem that is why SIT-3D consists 
besides 3D model ( that is the cartographic data technical basis 
concerning topographical details of informations concerning 
terrain use, natural resources, terrain value as well as data 
bases referring to low pollution sources and environment 
factor concerning pollution, atmospheric factor and local 
climate, social and economic factors concerning distribution, 
occupation and the structure of population concerning 
administrative office and last and not least the quick response 
plans for different public services. 
Thus results the multi and transdisciplinary, multiinstitutional, 
multijuridical system, combining the centralized 
administration of these data organized in a SIT 3D system to 
autonomy and departmental responsibility (that provide of 
specific levels of information from SIT 3D general information 
system regarding practical applicability of decisional system. 
Data distribution will be performed by a main server for a 
town and the departmental server will store only department 
interest data as for instance telephonic lines at the 
telecommunication department, road network at road 
department etc. At present these data bases are distributed 
between many organisms on computing system of different 
structure and they do not form a GIS integrated system that can 
be consulted analyzed and updated centralized. 3D SIT system 
is operation if it is combined with a user interface that allows 
3D rapid visualization. When building such a system, local 
conditions, technical support given by the involved institutions 
and organization and the social and economical strategy of 
development must be taken into consideration. The available 
computing technology and technical equipment, the existing 
software systems, the staff together with different basic data 
sources with different accuracies and contents that have to be 
collected, stored, organized, processed and analyzed together. 
That is why aerial and spatial recordings referring to 
topographic areas must be processed, organized and analyzed. 
The possibilities of storage , the contents time and space 
analysis together with real time updating must be defined. 
Also possibilities of integration, as well as the analysis of 
different volumes and data types versatile mathematical 
models able to describe the environment with complex 
phenomena and processes that take place in the vital space of 
the urban zone as well as the possibility of the simulation of 
different phenomena and processes belonging 3D model 
needed by GIS system at low scale is conceived on the basis of 
remote sensing images exploitation with a large spatial 
resolution in time while the necessary 3D model is achieved 
on remote sensing means by using photograms on a large 
scale. This system of organization on levels of informations 
data bases has the possibility to integrate different data 
sources in view of ensuring a complementary of information 
sources of rapid efficient and precise analysis of temporal 
changes appeared in object space. 
762 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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