(1)Measurement data. The measurement data of
environmental disaster is the raw information that is
received from the disaster monitoring processes, and
various variables related to the disaster. The data
provides the primary input for disaster management.
It represents the current status of the disaster.
Measurement data can be divided into two groups
according to the general characteristics of
management policy of environmental disaster:
persistent and perishable. The persistent data
consists of measurement data, whose use is long-
term, and therefore needs to be maintained
permanently in the database. On the other hand,
perishable measurement data is of limited time use,
so that its current value is valid only until the
disaster characteristic is being monitored.
(2)Structural data. In contrast to measurement data,
structural data is composed of static disaster
information. Unlike measurement data, structural
data is valid even when the disaster does not occurs.
Most of structural data is stored at initiation time of
disaster management system.
(3)Control data. Control data captures the current
selection of control decision for disaster. The process
for changing an existing set of control decisions is
usually completed by the disaster managers of the
policy hierarchy. Alternatively, the changes may be
automatically triggered as a function of the
information in the measurement data. In addition to
the current settings of control decisions, the control
database also stores a library of predefined control
decision settings that reflect the appropriate settings
for a variety of common environmental disaster
patterns and distribution.
Thus, disaster management systems based on policy
hierarchy are responsible to monitor, interpret, and
control environmental disaster.
4.3 Influence management
The role of influence management of environmental
disaster is to manipulate the adjustable control
decisions in real time so that the disaster influence can
be efficiently controlled in order to reduce the disaster
loss. Influence management from analysis for policy
hierarchy is divided into two task as the followings.
(1)Influence evaluation that finds how changes in
control decisions reduce the influence of
environmental disaster; and
(2)Decision making on how to adjust the control
decisions. The first task is essentially equivalent to
find a relationship between the disaster influence
and the control decisions, and may be required to
estimate the disaster influence. The second one is to
decide what control decision is selected for
controlling the disaster influence.
4.4 Influence evaluation
The analytical techniques, such as probability theory,
can be used for the influence evaluation of
environmental disaster. However, they require
unrealistic assumptions and tend to be mathematically
untractable as the structure of the influence measure
becomes complex. On the other hand, discrete-event
simulation is a viable alternative to analytical
techniques. Its major advantage is that it can be
modeled with much less stringent assumptions, and
more complex performance measures can be handled
with relative ease. However, discrete-event simulation
usually suffers from significant computational burden
because a single simulation run represents only one
realization of a stochastic process. In order to obtain an
accurate influence estimate under a given
environmental disaster, several independent runs are
needed, and these runs should be repeated.
4.5 Decision making
In the policy hierarchy, this task requires control
decision optimization, and can be accomplished by the
above learning and inference methods.
The fundamental goal of environmental disaster
management is to be able to control the influence of the
disaster. The disaster control mechanisms can be
classified along two dimensions: local versus global
and automatic versus manual as the followings.
5.1 Local control
Local control mechanisms rely on local data collection
and local decision models related to management of
environmental disaster. The local refers to specific
components of the disaster as opposed to the disaster as
a whole. The advantage of local controls is that they
incur fewer decision overhead, since decisions are made
locally with local data. Due to this locality of the
operation, local control processes are unaffected by
other local control decisions.
5.2 Global control
Global control processes rely on all disaster data and
global decision models related to management of
environmental disaster. Clearly, global control
processes are capable of optimizing performance of
total disaster control decision. However, they are more
vulnerable to faults related to environmental disaster
and have greater information overhead since decisions
require all data of disaster.
5.3 Automatic control
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998